The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering is one of the important departments in the college. The department includes a group of important specializations that came to meet the requirements of the labor market in the need for human resources specializing in the field of communications engineering, computer and electrical science. Since its establishment in 1989, the Department of Electrical Engineering has taken the lead role in graduating a group of distinguished engineers who are able to contribute effectively to the design, development and maintenance of various areas of electrical and electronic engineering such as communications and computer systems, power and energy systems, control systems, and electronic systems. This was one of the main goals of the department and also for the department's distinguished academic role through the expertise of faculty members, graduates of the best international universities from different countries of the world and their scientific competence. The department also strives to continuously develop its academic plans, decisions, laboratory equipment, and advanced qualitative research in line with the latest developments In the field of electrical and electronic engineering, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to meet the needs of the labor market. The department not only provides programs to obtain a bachelor's degree, but the department also offers a program for a master’s degree in electronic engineering.
The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the College of Engineering and Technology seeks to be a pioneering academic educational edifice and distinguished in all fields of engineering sciences related to electrical sciences, electronics, telecommunications, computer and automation, and scientific research locally and globally and contribute to advancing development that depends on modern technologies.
- The department provides educational programs in electrical and electronic engineering disciplines for students that are distinguished by stimulating the student's scientific capabilities to link the theoretical basis with the practical and applied side of the programs, which qualifies them to acquire the necessary skills required for the labor market, according to internationally accepted standards.
- The department is committed to providing academic expertise in the field of electrical and electronic engineering and providing services to society directly through consulting and research or through numbers of graduates with high experience and able to give continuously.
- Instilling different distinct moral values of our societies that lead the student to bear his responsibility towards his society and also to perform his scientific integrity in transferring what the student receives to different sectors of society from his responsibility location in which he will be in the future.
Department goals
- The preparation of engineers in the fields of electrical and electronic engineering with a high scientific efficiency.
- Conducting research and studies of an applied nature in electrical and electronic engineering majors.
- Developing specializations in the department and introducing new specializations to link educational outcomes with the requirements of development in society.
- Participation in scientific seminars and conferences at the local and international levels to enhance the scientific competence of the department's cadres.
- Providing technical and scientific consultations for all governmental and private sectors of society.
- Establishing fruitful scientific relationships with the departments of electronic engineering in other universities at the local and external levels
Postgraduate study plan
The name of the degree (in Arabic) granted: Master (High License) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Awarded degree name (in English): Master in Electric and Electronics Engineering
The components of the plan:
The study plan for the Master's degree (high degree) consists of (36) accredited units distributed as follows:
# | The course | number of units |
1 | Department requirements from the university (general requirements) | 3 |
2 | Department requirements from the university (general requirements) | 6 |
3 | Department Specialized Requirements (Compulsory) | 15 |
4 | Department requirements are optional | 12 |
Total | 36 |
Postgraduate courses
The student is obligated to choose = 12 academic units during his study period
# | Course Code | The course name is in Arabic | Course name in English | Units | التراتبية | الاسبقية | نوع المقرر |
1 | EE 1021 | تصميم الكترونات دقيقة | Microelectronic Design | 3 | - | - | Compulsory |
2 | EE 1031 | هندسة شبكات متقدمة | Advanced Network Engineering | 3 | - | - | Compulsory |
3 | EE 1121 | معالجة الصور الرقمية المتقدمة | Advanced Digital Image processing | 3 | - | - | Compulsory |
4 | EE 1300 | رسالة الماجستير | Master thesis | 6 | - | - | Compulsory |
5 | PG 900 | طرق بحث | Research Methods | 3 | مساند اجباري | ||
6 | GE 1011 | رياضيات متقدمة | Advanced mathematics | 3 | - | - | مساند اجباري |
7 | GE 1112 | احصاء واحتمالات | Statistics and probability | 3 | - | - | مساند اجباري |
8 | EE1131 | اتصالات لاسلكية | Wireless Communication | 3 | - | - | selective |
9 | EE 1141 | اتصالات متنقلة متقدمة | Advanced Mobile Communication | 3 | - | - | selective |
10 | EE 1211 | الهوائيات وانتشار الموجة المتقدمة | Advanced Antennas and Wave Propagation | 3 | - | - | selective |
11 | EE 1221 | نظرية المعلومات والتشفير | Information Theory and Coding | 3 | - | - | selective |
12 | EE 1231 | اتصالات رقمية متقدمة | Advanced Digital Communication | 3 | - | - | selective |
13 | EE 1241 | تقنية الاتصالات الضوئية | Optical Communication Technology | 3 | - | - | selective |
14 | EE 1251 | انظمة الرادار | Radar Systems | 3 | - | - | selective |
15 | EE 1261 | انظمة الاتصالات الاقمار الصناعية | Satellite Communication Systems | 3 | - | - | selective |
16 | EE 1151 | تقنية قاعدة البيانات | Data Base Technology | 3 | - | - | selective |
17 | EE 1161 | تصميم انظمة التشغيل | Operating Systems Design | 3 | - | - | selective |
18 | EE1212 | معالجة الكلام الرقمي | Digital Speech Processing | 3 | - | - | selective |
19 | EE1222 | تصميم الانظمة المضمنة | Embedded System Design | 3 | - | - | selective |
20 | EE1232 | امن الحاسوب المتقدم | Advanced Computer Security | 3 | - | - | selective |
21 | EE1242 | تصميم معالج دقيق متقدم | Advanced Microprocessor Design | 3 | - | - | selective |
22 | EE1252 | إدارة المعلومات الضخمة | Big Date Management | 3 | - | - | selective |
23 | EE1262 | التصميم الموجه الموضوعي | Object Oriented Design | 3 | - | - | selective |