Vision, mission and goals

Vision, mission and goals


Pursuing leadership in the humanities with its various branches in its local, regional and international surroundings.

College Mission

  1. Ensuring excellence in scientific research and employing it to serve the community.
  2. Upgrading society and spreading knowledge among its members.
  3. Effective partnership and cooperation with community institutions.

College goals

  1. To develop the spirit of research in the hearts of students, to cultivate a love for knowledge and to seek it.
  2. Apply modern standards of performance to measure the level of knowledge and skills of students.
  3. Developing scientific research in the field of human sciences in a manner that contributes to the development and service of society.
  4. Preparing researchers specialized in the humanities branches to meet the aspirations of society in preparing an informed generation armed with knowledge.
  5. Reviving and preserving Islamic and human heritage.

Vision, mission and goals
