Quality and Performance Evaluation Department

Quality and Performance Appraisal Department, Faculty of Commerce and Political Science, Sebha University


The department seeks to bring the college to a high level of local and international competition.

Mission Department

Enhancing the college's competitiveness at the national and regional levels and ensuring its application of national accreditation and quality standards.

Department goals

The department aims at quality and performance evaluation to achieve the following goals:

1- Spreading a culture of quality among the college faculty, including students, students, and employees, by giving educational lectures and workshops to them.

2- Defining the college needs to implement and activate the quality system through self-studies that determine the strengths and weaknesses of the college and overcome weaknesses.

3- Applying accreditation standards in the college and its scientific departments.

4- Reviewing and updating the college’s strategy, mission, and goals in light of scientific developments and labor market requirements.

5- Preparing and participating in local and regional workshops and conferences.

Department's terms of reference

1- Suggesting standards related to the quality of education in the college, and offering them for approval and follow-up.

2- Suggesting performance standards and quality control for the components of college education in the college and related to the university professor, curricula, laboratories and university buildings, management of university education and performance evaluation processes.

3- Supervising the exchange of information with specialized regional and international bodies and comparing the standards applied by colleges to develop the standards applied.

4- To suggest and participate in field studies to compare the college’s education outcomes with the needs of the labor market, and to make recommendations in this regard.

5- A suggestion to develop work procedures, rules and strategic guides to develop performance and ensure quality education in the college