Warehouse and Resources Section

Department of Stores and Resources, Faculty of Commerce and Political Science, Sebha University


The warehouse and resources department is one of the departments affiliated to the administrative affairs office in the college and it provides everything necessary for its use in the college, as it stores and maintains materials and equipment as well as stationery and office supplies for the college and meets the needs of scientific departments and administrative offices according to the rules and regulations.

Department tasks 

The employee in charge of the warehouse and resources unit assumes the following tasks:

1- Receiving materials from equipment, devices, stationery, etc., and placing them in the warehouse designated for them after the classification and classification process according to the type and type of each item.

2- Determine the college’s needs for the necessary stationery and office materials, equipment and tools.

3- The exchange of applications by the various scientific offices and departments according to the approved exchange regulations.

4- Ensuring the provision of the departments and units in the college with the necessary materials in a timely manner to ensure the completion of the works to the fullest extent.

5- Preserving the inventory and working to protect it from loss and damage.

6- Preparing reports on the inventory movement in the warehouses and carrying out the inventory work, submitting them to the competent authorities.
