The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs

الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم

My sons and daughters, male and female students, offer you the most welcome words in the College of Commerce and Political Science, which is from one of the colleges of the University of Sabha As is well known in all colleges that scientific affairs are the building block and pillar of their progress and advancement. Students and faculty members are two members of one body, which by the solidarity of these two members allows the production of qualified cadres according to the vision of each department of the college.

The Scientific Affairs Agency at the Faculty of Commerce and Political Science purposefully develops educational plans for the university level to ensure the approval of the college’s decisions with the target labor market need and to ensure that this need is met, the Educational Affairs Agency provides the appropriate environment for all students through their advice and provision of all kinds of moral and academic support to achieve all goals and aspirations Which the university strives to gain leadership in, at the local and regional levels

My male and female students, the Education Affairs Agency, with its affiliated scientific departments, the Study and Examinations Department, the Quality Assurance Office, and the Research and Consulting Office, seeks effectively, and commits to implementing the strategic plan of the college and university, and continues to develop quality standards to reach the goal of developing the level of education and benefiting as much as possible.

وفق الله الجميع لما فيه الخير للبلاد والعباد

The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
