Exact Calculations for One Photon Micromaser with Coherent Inputs II

A. M. Kremid (1)
(1) , Libya


We introduce results for the second part of our calculations for the action of a single atom and one photon micromaser when atoms are coherently injected into a microwave cavity, and for the case when the atomic probabilities  |α|≠0 and |β|≠0. During the presence of the atom inside the cavity the field couples to a heat bath at temperature T. The results of this second part and those of the first part of our work give a complete information for the behaviour of the micromaser field for the two cases of injected atoms namely|α|=1, |β|=0 and  |α|≠0 , |β|≠0 . We have found that the evolution of the field after a sufficient number of atoms had passed the cavity shows a steady state when the repetition time T_pis much greater than the interaction time t_int. We also found that the trapping state at n = 3 plays an important role in the early dynamics of the field within the cavity. Finally, we found that the field evolution towards a mixed state and not to a pure state. This prevention of purity because of: the presence of decay of the field inside the cavity, the presence of the trapping state at n = 3 (centered between the two trapping states at photon number n = 0 and at a photon number n = 15) prevents the field from developing towards a pure state, and finally the presence of the black body radiation field initially in the cavity at temperature T.

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A. M. Kremid
Kremid , A. M. . (2021). Exact Calculations for One Photon Micromaser with Coherent Inputs II. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 20(4), 11–14. https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v20i4.1612

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