Insects decomposing crops of criminal importance in the Jebel El Wahsh Forest, Constantine, Algeria

Naima Benkenana (1) , Moussa Toumi (2) , Derrouiche Chahinez (3) , Attef Benharkou (4) , Adel Hazmoun (5) , Ammar Teboul (6)
(1) , Algeria ,
(2) , Algeria ,
(3) , Algeria ,
(4) , Algeria ,
(5) , Algeria ,
(6) , Algeria


Forensic entomology is the study of insects and their environment in order to give information that is useful for judicial investigations. Our current study was conducted in the Constantine region in eastern Algeria. This study was carried out in cooperation with the National Institute of Criminology of the National Gendarmerie, where we identified the insects that participate in the decomposition of corpses (animal cadaver), during the experiment period (from April 30 to May 23, 2019). 1300 individuals were collected and the taxonomic study showed that there are 26 species of arthropods. It is divided into five orders of insects,(Insecta), in addition to other arthropods such as spiders. Diptera is presented by a family and seven species. Beetles contain four families with six species and Hymenoptera three families with four species. We further examined the trend of species grouping over time by stage of cadaver decomposition. In order to use forensic entomology in investigations, such studies must be generalized to all regions of the country.

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Naima Benkenana (Primary Contact)
Moussa Toumi
Derrouiche Chahinez
Attef Benharkou
Adel Hazmoun
Ammar Teboul
نعيمةبن كنانة, موسى تومي, شهيناز درويش, عاطف بن حركو, عادل حزمون, & وعمار تبول. (2022). Insects decomposing crops of criminal importance in the Jebel El Wahsh Forest, Constantine, Algeria. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(4), 237–239.

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