Legal mechanisms to address public money

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Halima Ahmed Mahamad Hamza


Legal mechanisms to address the overlooking public funds

 can not deny how to deny how busy corruption in our Arab countries and the whole world, although I will note my state (Libya), they live and touch their reality. Public money is one of the images of the financial corruption deployed in Libya, which the criminal legislation faced by several legislation is not only in the Penal Code, but in sporadic laws, including Law No. 2 of 1979 on economic crimes, and where this is where this is? Money Laundering Law No. 2 of 2005 and others, to ensure criminal protection of public funds. However, what is going on by Libya and still suffering from him until the hour of deterioration and collapse in state institutions, political vacuum and instability was a sponsor of corruption in its institutions, and also the impairment of the souls and the lack of cultural awareness among citizens Based on what we will receive light in this phase on Libyan legislation and how to do the embezzlement, both in its sporadic laws or ratify it on the international agreement to combat corruption to reduce corruption phenomenon. As well as mechanisms for reducing embezzlement, most notably the oversight and role devices, in an attempt to answer the most important format of our legislative laws developed by Libyan legislature to combat embezzlement? Is it the elimination of this embezzlement? We will have been troubled to misplaced public money and highlighted the general provisions of the embezzlement of public money, blowing up the most important laws to address and fight against the confusion and fight, as a form of financial corruption


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حليمة أحمد محمد حمزة. (2022). Legal mechanisms to address public money. Journal of Human Sciences, 21(3), 11–20.