Determination of Vitamin C Concentration in Samples of Fruits and Vegetables by Volumetric Methods

Ezadeen Pashloa (1) , Ragiab A. M. Issa (2) , Rehab Said (3) , Marwa Mohamed (4)
(1) , Libya ,
(2) , Libya ,
(3) , Libya ,
(4) , Libya


This research was conducted to estimate the concentration of vitamin C in fresh juices for forty-six samples of different fruits and vegetables, the concentration of vitamin C was estimated by titration method using standard iodine solution. The highest concentration of avocado sample was (268.4 mg/100ml), and the lowest value was for pear sample (11 mg/100ml). As for vegetable samples, the values ​​ranged from (222.2-11 mg/100ml), where the highest concentration was for red sweet pepper (222.2 mg /100ml). The lowest value for the two samples of cucumber and red lottery was equal (11 mg/100ml).                                                                                         

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Ezadeen Pashloa (Primary Contact)
Ragiab A. M. Issa
Rehab Said
Marwa Mohamed
Pashloa ع. ., Issa ر. ., Said ر. ., & Mohamed م. . (2022). Determination of Vitamin C Concentration in Samples of Fruits and Vegetables by Volumetric Methods. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(1), 49–54.

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