Enhancing of nutritional value and technological properties of talbeenah through germination

Naeimah Ali Mustafa (1) , Muna Abdul Salam Ilowefah (2)
(1) , Libya ,
(2) , Libya


Studies have indicated that germinated barley grains possess higher nutritional value compared to that of raw barley grains. Recently,barley is known as a healthy crop due to its high content of soluble fibers and antioxidants. Barley is considered one of the most important food crops, and one of its most important products recommended for health is talbeenah.The aim of this investigation was to enhance nutritional and technology properties oftalbeenahby germination. Barley grains(Rehan Varity) was hydrated and germinated at room temperature for 72 hours. Then the samples were dried, milled and kept refrigerated.Talbeenah was prepared by adding (20g) of raw and germinated barley flours t (250ml) of water, then the mixture was cooked with continuous stirring until fully ripened (5min).After that talbeenah samples were dried on40 ⁰C for 8h. Thereafter,samples were ground and kept refrigerated.The ability to bind water, swelling and solubility of germinated and raw talbeenah were measured. The results indicated that the ability of sprouted barley to bind water and swell significantly decreased, at a rate of 29% and 28%, respectively. The findings also showed that an increase in the solubility of talbeenah, which prepared from sprouted barley flour by 66%. The changes in the studied properties are an indication of the alterations in the chemical composition of the barley components, specifically the major ones.


Naeimah Ali Mustafa
Naeema2018.mustafa@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
نعيمـــة علـــي مصطفـــى, & منى عبد السلام لويفة. (2022). Enhancing of nutritional value and technological properties of talbeenah through germination . Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(3), 40–42. https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v21i3.2452

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