Effect of Libyan Sidr honey on thyroid gland damage induced by cigarette smoke in male rats.

Eda Alshailabi (1) , Nura Al-Zail (2) , Narmeen Darwesh (3)
(1) Zoology Department, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, El-Beida, Libya ,
(2) Zoology Department, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, El-Beida, Libya ,
(3) Zoology Department, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, El-Beida, Libya


The toxicity of cigarette smoke (CS) products is through vast production of reactive oxygen species. So, this study aimed to evaluation the effect of Libyan Sidr honey on thyroid gland damage induced cigarette smoke in male rats. 28 adult male rats were divided into four groups; Group 1: Control group (NC); group 2: rats were received the Libyan Sidr honey (LSH) orally (100 mg/kg b.w./d.) for 4 w.; group 3: rats were exposed to 5 lit of the Karelia red cigarette smoke (KRC) (5 times/d.) by a machine smoking for 4 w.; and group 4: (LSH+KRC) rats were received the LSH orally (100 mg/kg b.w./d.) for 2 w., then the rats were exposed to the KRC generated by a machine smoking for 4 w. with the continuation of LSH doses. The result revealed that T4 showed, non-significant decrease in the KRC group compared to the NC group. While,  it was significant declining in T3 with a significant increase in TSH levels as compared to NC group. Moreover, the (LSH+KRC) group showed a noticeable improvement in T4 & T3 as compared with the KRC group. Furthermore, the (LSH + KRC)  group showed a significantly positive change in TSH as compared with KRC group. The histopathological examination of the thyroid of rats after exposure to KRC alone showed different histopathological changes when compared with control group. Whereas,  the (LSH + KRC) group showed, improve thyroid arrangement with normal thyroid follicles when compared with KRC group. Conclusion, results indicate that the Libyan Sidr honey antioxidant activity against thyroid tissues damage induced cigarette smoke in adult male albino rats.

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Eda Alshailabi
eda.muftah@omu.edu.ly (Primary Contact)
Nura Al-Zail
Narmeen Darwesh
Alshailabi, E., Al-Zail, N., & Darwesh, N. (2023). Effect of Libyan Sidr honey on thyroid gland damage induced by cigarette smoke in male rats. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 22(3), 87–93. https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v22i3.2752

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