The awareness of thyroid disorders and an iodine-rich diet among a sample of the population in some western cities of Libya

Thuraya Abuhlega (1) , Hanan Shtewi (2) , Malak Alhammali (3) , Narges Farhat (4) , Fatima Algelani (5)
(1) Food Science and Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tripoli, Libya ,
(2) Zoology Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of Tripoli, Libya ,
(3) Zoology Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of Tripoli, Libya ,
(4) Zoology Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of Tripoli, Libya ,
(5) Zoology Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of Gharyan, Libya


The deficiency of iodine in a diet is a global health issue. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the awareness of thyroid disorders and explore iodine-related dietary knowledge and practices among a sample of the population in some cities in western Libya. A cross-sectional survey was carried out among 425 individuals in the population, of whom 265 were healthy and 160 had thyroid disorders. The sample consisted of 72.0% females and 28.0% males. More than a quarter of the sample (26.6%) were between the ages of 38 and 47. The data were analyzed by SPSS. The findings revealed that only 37.9%, 43.8%, and 46.9% of the respondents knew that thyroid dysfunction causes brain damage, iodine is the main cause of thyroid problems, and thyroid disorders are genetic, respectively. As well, almost one-third of respondents (33.0%) expected that the mothers' thyroid problems would cause harm to the fetus. Only 14.6% of respondents realized that the function of the thyroid gland is important for metabolism. The findings also revealed that only 33.4% of respondents knew the main dietary sources of iodine. As well, only 23.5% of respondents ate seafood two or three times a week. Very few of the respondents (8.90%) used iodized salt. The study indicated that there is a need to raise awareness of thyroid disorders and their relationship with food among the population in western Libya. Therefore, effective and continuous programs from responsible authorities are essential.

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Thuraya Abuhlega (Primary Contact)
Hanan Shtewi
Malak Alhammali
Narges Farhat
Fatima Algelani
Abuhlega, T., Shtewi, H., Alhammali, M., Farhat, N., & Algelani, F. (2024). The awareness of thyroid disorders and an iodine-rich diet among a sample of the population in some western cities of Libya. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 23(2), 25–33.

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