Study of the effect of storage periods and temperatures on the quality of apple fruits, cultivar Golden Delicious

Entesar. M. A. Benrema (1)
(1) , Libya


This study aims to know the extent to which the fruits of the “Golden Delicious” apple variety grown in Al-Wardiya farms can retain their quality during cold storage, by studying the change in some natural characteristics of the fruits that were stored in special refrigerators during the 2019 and 2020 planting seasons, and the treatments were storage for (0, 60, 120) days at a temperature of (0, 3 oC) and the results obtained showed that the longer the storage period, the lower the quality of the fruits The degree of coloration of the fruits, their starch content and their hardness decreased, and their weight loss increased with the progression of the storage period, Also, the fruits retained their quality when stored at zero degrees Celsius better than those stored at 3 degrees Celsius.

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Entesar. M. A. Benrema (Primary Contact)
Benrema, E. M. A. (2022). Study of the effect of storage periods and temperatures on the quality of apple fruits, cultivar Golden Delicious. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(2), 171–174.

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