Toxicopathological evaluations of the ethanoic acid on liver tissues and blood parameters in albino rats

Salma F. Majeed, Eda M. A. Alshailabi and Ahmed S. H. Ahmeedah2 (1)
(1) , Libya


The liver is affected by hazardous substances, exhibiting different degrees of toxicity. This study aimed to investigate the toxicopathological changes on liver tissues and blood parameters induced by ethanoic acid in rats. Female rats (n = 20) were divided randomly into two groups of 10: a group 1, control group and group 2, treatment group which were oraly administered the ethanoic acid (EA) at a dose of 1 ml/kg/day (10 % EA). Following fourteen days of treatment. There were no significant changes in the mean values of MCH, MCV and PLT, on the other hand,  a significant lower in the mean values of RBC, HCT and Hb. Whereas, a significant increase in WBC, MCHC, AST and ALT were found in treated group when compared to control. Furthermore, the treated group showed bi-nucleated and apoptotic nuclei hepatocytes, loss of hepatic architecture and dilated sinusoidal areas. In conclusion EA consumption was found to have adverse effects on hepatic function in rats, hence the quantity of EA should be discouraged or reduced.

Salma F. Majeed, Eda M. A. Alshailabi and Ahmed S. H. Ahmeedah2. (2020). Toxicopathological evaluations of the ethanoic acid on liver tissues and blood parameters in albino rats. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 19(2), 35–40.

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