Integrating ChatGPT in Education and Learning: A Case Study on Libyan Universities
Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in the process of learning and education has become one of the revolutionary technological advancements of this era. This study evaluates the potential for integrating ChatGPT into university-level learning and education in Libya. An online questionnaire was distributed to students and academic staff across Libyan universities, with statistical analysis conducted on over 1000 responses to identify patterns. Despite a high number of participants being unfamiliar with ChatGPT, there was strong motivation to learn and integrate it into their work and studies. Scientific research and study emerged as the primary applications of ChatGPT among lecturers and students, respectively, with mobile applications being the most common access point. The findings indicate widespread consent for integrating ChatGPT into the educational process of Libyan universities. However, concerns were raised about overreliance on AI technologies, potentially leading to laziness and compromising integrity and creativity, particularly among students. Given the inevitability and increasing use of such technologies, the study emphasizes the importance of establishing rules and regulations for the utilization and integration of AI-supported tools like ChatGPT.
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