Determination of Nicotine in Libyan Smokers and Nonsmokers’ Urine samples by Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometry

Galal M. Elmanfe, Suad K. Omar , Ahmad B. Eznien (1)
(1) , Libya


This study was aimed to determine the nicotine in Libyan smokers and nonsmokers ’urine. Twenty urine samples are collected from smokers and nonsmokers. Each volunteer was required to complete a questionnaire before providing the urine sample. The samples were prepared by one-step extraction method for the determination of nicotine in human Urine using Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer. The criteria and factors taken into consideration for this evaluation and validation include the linearity, precision, accuracy, limit of detection, and limit of quantitation. The results of nicotine concentrations in male smokers’ urine were in the range of 0.360–2.644 µg/ml with an average of 1.185 µg/ml. Whereas its concentrations in non-smokers’urine were in the range of 0.355-2.914 µg/ml with an average of 0.873 µg/ml. Statistical analysis show that the nicotine concentrations were significant difference in the smoker samples in contrast with the nonsmoker samples using UV-VIS spectrophotometric methods.

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Galal M. Elmanfe, Suad K. Omar , Ahmad B. Eznien
Galal M. Elmanfe, Suad K. Omar , Ahmad B. Eznien. (2020). Determination of Nicotine in Libyan Smokers and Nonsmokers’ Urine samples by Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometry . Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 19(5), 126–131.

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