Warehouse and Resources Section

Warehouse and Resources Section

Warehouse and Resources Section

The department takes part in preparing the annual inventory and preparing annual measurements of the college's needs for operating materials, furniture and stationery, providing security and safety procedures inside the stores, and performing drainage works after approval of the competent department.

He undertakes the following functions:

  1. Preparing and paying salaries and benefits for workers.
  2. Participate in periodic, sudden and annual inventories.
  3. Preparing the annual measurements of the college’s needs of the necessary operating materials for the laboratories, devices, tools, furniture and stationery needed by the college and setting its technical specifications after seeking the help of the college’s specialists.
  4. Taking the procedures of buying and selling according to the methods specified in the financial regulations, checking the purchases, ensuring that they comply with the specifications specified in the purchase contracts, and taking the necessary measures in relation to any defects or violations.
  5. Prepare and complete procurement documents in accordance with the regulations and instructions and refer them to the college’s accounts or treasury for disbursement in accordance with the regulations and instructions.
  6. Participate in the work of committees and work teams related to the activities of the administration.
  7. Maintain records and stock books, make the necessary entries first-hand, keep item cards, and register the supplied and spent items.
  8. Ensure that all safety and security procedures and requirements are available in the stores.
  9. Perform all procedures to ensure the availability of the appropriate stock and re-order the materials and items whose stock has reached the point of re-ordering.
  10. Carrying out periodic, sudden and annual inventory work for the stores, and taking the necessary measures for any decrease or increase in accordance with the legislation in force.
  11. Participate in the work of committees and work teams related to the activities of the administration.
  12. Preparing periodic and annual follow-up reports on the unit's activity.
  13. Keep the petty cash advance account in college.
  14. Carrying out various exchange activities within the limits of regulations and instructions.
  15. Collecting college revenues and fees.
  16. Receive and document systematic and reference books and sell them according to financial receipts sealed from the college treasury.
كلية التمريض جامعة سبها
كلية التمريض جامعة سبها