Undergraduate Degree


Students are accepted and registered according to the following categories:

Regular students, this category includes all full-time students to study.
International students, who are non-Libyan students who are granted academic seats and how to accept them, are decided by the Ministry of Higher Education.

The study plan

College study is a semester system, with two semesters per academic year in the fall and spring semesters, and a summer semester may be added.

Admission requirements

At the beginning of each semester, the college determines the number of students who are admitted according to the capabilities of the college, the scientific departments and the needs of the community.

The student must attend by himself to complete the registration procedures, and no one may act on his behalf.
The student must have a high school diploma in the scientific section.
The student must bring six personal photos in addition to the identity document (national number, nationality, card, passport) To be in good health documented with an approved health certificate.
To be of good conduct and behavior issued by the school coming from.
To be fully devoted to study.
His general grade in the secondary school should not be less than the specified percentage approved for admission to the college in the year in which the student wishes to register for the Bachelor's degree.
It is also permissible to take the admission exam and the personal interview decided by the college, and the decision of the admission and interview committee will be final after its approval by the college council.
That a non-Libyan applicant is obliged to pay fees and study expenses in accordance with the regulations in force in Libyan universities, taking into account signed agreements on reciprocity, and international students for scholarships in accordance with what is in place in Libyan universities.
Register on the new student management system website and bring the reference number issued from it.
Complete the procedures from the general registrar by issuing a study number and thus activate the student’s online account.
The student directly obtains the password and user name via the e-mail in which the user is registered for registration the first time. The student is automatically granted the university's e-mail and has all the rights and benefits to use it throughout his studies and the student must keep it in a safe place.

Procedures for registration and renewal of registration

تتم إجراءات تسجيل الطلاب الجدد للفصل الدراسي الأول وتجديد القيد للطلاب خلال أسبوعان قبل بدء الدراسة بمكتب التسجيل، وبعد خمسة عشر يوما من تجديد القيد تفرض غرامات تأخير بالخصوص في الأسبوع الثالث.
في جميع الأحوال لا يجوز قبول الطلبة الجدد بالفصل الدراسي الأول وتجديد القيد بعد انتهاء الأسبوع الأول من بداية الدراسة، ويتحمل الطالب نتائج تأخيره عن الدراسة في هذه المدة.
القيام بدفع رسوم التسجيل والمصروفات الدراسية وإجراء الكشف الطبي عند التسجيل لأول مرة وجميع الإجراءات الأخرى التي تطلب منه.
إذا لم يقم الطالب بإجراءات تسجيل المقررات في المواعيد المحددة للتسجيل يعتبر منقطعا عن الدراسة بسبب غير مشروع.
يجوز للطالب إضافة أو إسقاط مقررات دراسية بما لا يتجاوز الحد الأقصى أو الأدنى للوحدات الدراسية المقررة خلال فترة لا تتجاوز خمسة عشر يوما من بداية الدراسة في كل فصل دراسي.
يمكن للطالب إضافة او حذف المقررات قبل بداية الفصل الدراسي بأسبوع وينتهي بنهاية الأسبوع الثاني من بداية الفصل الدراسي.
يجب أن لا يتجاوز التسجيل الحد الأعلى للعبء الدراسي و لا يقل عن الحد الأدنى.
تتم عملية تسجيل المقررات للطالب بعد التشاور مع مشرفه الأكاديمي ويتحمل الطالب مسؤولية أي قصور أو أخطاء تحدث نتيجة جهله بالتعليمات.
إذا لم يسجل الطالب أي مقرر خلال فترة التسجيل المعتمدة من مجلس الكيلة يعتبر منقطعاً عن الدراسة و يوضع في نظام معلومات الطالب عبارة ” منقطع لعدم التسجيل“

Transfer to college

The student who is required to transfer to study in the college must fulfill the following:

First: The documents submitted by the student

The transfer student submits his documents no less than six weeks before the start of the semester to be registered to the College Registrar Office.
His documents include a list of the number of courses, their vocabulary, units, and grades in the courses he passed and the system of study in the college he moved from.
His success rate in high school shall not be less than the rate prescribed for admission to the college in the academic year in which he wishes to transfer.
He must spend at least two or four semesters before graduating from college.
His overall grade in the curricula taught in the college he is transferring from and taught in the College of Science is not less than 65% (good). The student is not dismissed from the college from which he is transferred for any reason.
Second: The College Council determines for each semester the proportions required to transfer to the college in proportion to the college's carrying capacity.

البطاقات الدراسية

Students who have completed the registration procedures are entitled to:

Smart Card: It is extracted from the Student Affairs of the College Registrar Office.

Office card: extracted from the library administration.

The student's card is issued with the payment of fees due for that upon registration within the first week of completing the registration procedures, and no student is allowed to enter the college or take exams except after the card is issued.


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