توصيف المقرارات الدراسية

توصيف المقرارات الدراسية


NR103:Anatomy                                                                                          Credits : 2


The Course is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge of the normal structure of various human body systems and understand the alterations in anatomical structures in disease and practice of nursing.

NR104: Physiology                                                                                      Credits : 2

يهتم هذا المقرر بدراسة كل ما يتعلق بجسم الانسان بداية من تركيب والوظيفة الطبيعية  الخلية ( وحدة بناء الكائن الحي) مرورا بالأنسجة و الاعضاء و اجهزة الجسم المختلفة  مثل تركيب ووظائف الدم و  جهاز الدوران ،و الجهاز التنفسي، الجهاز  الهضمي. حيث يمكن الطالب من فهم التراكيب و الوظائف الطبيعية لأعضاء الجسم المختلفة. كما يهتم بدراسة بعض الاعتلالات التي تعيق وظائف تلك الاجهزة.

NR101: Microbiology                                                                                 Credits : 2

This course is designed to assist students in the study of important microorganisms . It explains the physiology and pathogenic properties of bacteria, fungi and viruses as an introduction to disease causation, their biology, the infections they cause, host response to these infections and their mode of transmission, prevention, treatment and nursing responsibilities.

The laboratory experiences provide specimen collection, handling and processing of specimens for isolation and identification of microorganisms and parasites involved in the infectious processes.

NR106: Biochemistry                                                                                 Credits : 2

This course deals with the study of the structure and functions of the biomolecules in the living organism. Among these biomolecules are: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. It also includes the study of some clinical significance that may arise from the decrease or increase of such biomolecules. It further aims to discuss the enzymatic and endocrine reactions of the body towards these chemicals.

UR103: Computer Sci.                                                                               Credits : 2

This course deals with the use of information technology system and data standards based on nursing informatics principles/theories. It further deals with the utilization of clinical information systems in the management and decision-making of patient care. A laboratory session shall be provided for practice application.

UR101: Arabic Lang                                                                                 Credits : 2

-يقوم هذا المقرر بترسيخ أساسيات اللغة العربية التي ينبغي لكل طالب جامعي أن يتقنها عملياً وتطبيقياً ، وجعل هذا الأمر واقعاً قدر الإمكان ، وردم الهوة القائمة بين معظم الطلاب واللغة الفصحى .

دراسة القواعد الأساسية للنحو وتطبيق ذلك على بعض الآيات القرآنية والنصوص النثرية والشعرية .

دراسة بعض القصائد دراسة أدبية تطبيقية والإلمام ببعض موضوعات البلاغة التي لا غنى عنها للطالب .

دراسة القواعد الإملائية والتركيز على الأخطاء الشائعة .

SR101: Fundamentals of Nursing                                                                                                        Credits : 4


This course provides fundamentals nursing concepts, skills, and techniques in the practice of nursing with the use of nursing process. This focuses on the practice of nursing as an art and science and a profession. This is the basic foundation of nursing education leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

NR102: Medical Parasitology                                                                                                               Credits : 2

This course will cover the scientific discipline of parasitology and the relationship between parasites and disease at the tissue and human level in various animal hosts and body systems.

NR105: Histology                                                                                                                                     Credits : 2

 UR102: English Lang 1                                                                                                                           Credits : 2

This course provides the students with comprehensive introduction on how language is acquired, giving definitive focus on second language acquisition. This aims to provide knowledge about the basic grammar and vocabulary from some selected passages or subjects related to nursing and medicine.




NR202: Pharmacology                                                                                                Credits : 3


This course supports students’ knowledge about drugs in terms of their classification, therapeutic effects, associated reactions, toxic effects, and addiction. At this level, emphasis will be placed on applying concepts in patient care, including patient assessment, medication administration, educating the patient and family, and documenting patient responses to specific medications.

NR204: Community Health                                                                                        Credits : 2

Public health nursing can be defined as a field of professional practice in the field of nursing and public health in which technical, interpersonal, analytical and organizational nursing skills are applied to health problems as they affect society.

SR203 : التمريض الباطني العام                                                          الوحدات : 4

يتناول هذا المقرر التركيب التشريحي والوظيفي لبعض أجهزة الجسم المختلفة وطرق تقييمها ومعرفة بعض الامراض التي تصيب هده الأجهزة من خلال اعراضها وعلاماتها وطرق تشخيصها وادارتها لمعالجتها وأيضا شرح مفصل لدور التمريض في تطبيق الإجراءات التمريضية المختلفة لبعض الامراض لإدارة المرض وبالإضافة الى معرفة المعدلات الطبيعية والقراءات المخبرية لتشخيص بعض الامراض.


 : SR204 التمريض الجراحي العام                                                        الوحدات : 4

يتناول هذا المقرر التعريف العام بالجراحة العامة وتصنيفاتها وطرق تحضير المريض للجراحة وأيضا معرفة دور التمريض في التعامل مع الجروح والحروق وأيضا دور التمريض قبل واثناء وبعد العمليات الجراحية.


Pathology (Th.) NR201                                                                                               Credits : 2

This course has been designed to Provide the nursing students with the concepts of aetiology, pathogenesis, microscopic and gross morphology, complications, The various pathological processes and their importance in the basis of human disease will be studied and clinic-pathologic correlation of human diseases through general and system based approaches. This course provides major training in general pathology concepts to laboratory medicine and biomedical science.

Focus on gaining competency in medical knowledge, with specific emphasis on core discipline and problem-solving competencies.


Modern History of Libya UR202                                                                                Credits : 2


يختص هذا المقرر بتعريف وتوضيح الأحداث والوقائع التاريخية في العالمين العربي والغربي بصفة عامة، وفي ليبيا بصفة خاصة، وما كان لهذه الأحداث والوقائع من تأثير سلبي أو إيجابي على تكوين المجتمع الليبي بكافة شرائحه.


Child & Maternal  Healt­h Nursing  SR 202                                                                Credits : 2

The course is designed to provide the students basic concepts, theories, and principles related to the care of normal pregnant mother and family as well.


General Pediatrics Nursing (Th.) SR201                                                                    Credits : 2


The course is designed to equip  the students  with vital theories and concepts to critically analyze the health needs and concerns of the growing individual across the life span from infancy to adolescence.


Therapeutic Nutrition NR 203                                                                                   Credits : 2


This course deals with the study of food in relation to health. It covers nutrients and other substances and their action, and interaction which organism ingests, digests, absorbs transports, utilizes and excretes food substances. It will also focus in the therapeutic and food service aspects of the delivery of nutritional services in hospitals and other health care institutions.






English Language II UR201                                                                                         Credits : 2

This course is an extension to the previous course. It provides mainly and stress on writing, conversation and pronunciation.