Nursing College - Sebha University

Entries by Nursing College - Sebha University

Administrative and Financial Affairs Department

Administrative and Financial Affairs

Administrative and Financial Affairs Department

The department undertakes all administrative work in the college, including maintenance, cleaning and development of buildings and offices, and providing daily support needs to complete the educational process. The Administrative Affairs Office supervises all employees and workers in departments and Ghufra.
Department of Administrative Affairs and Services
ويتولى الإختصاصات الآتية :

Registrar's office

Registrar's office

The College’s Registration Department is concerned with the procedures for registering students and their admission requirements in accordance with the university’s laws and regulations and the Ministry of Education. Preparing student records and lists, obtaining school cards, and granting student housing statements.

College Registrar, followed by the following departments:

Admission and Registration Department
Student Activity Department.
Graduate Section.
Social Service Department

قسم القبول والتسجيل ، ويتولى القيام …

انعقاد الاجتماع العادى الاول للقسم العام بكلية التمريض

انعقد يوم الخميس الموافق 28/2/2019 م. الاجتماع العادى الاول للقسم العام بكلية التمريض. تناول الاجتماع سير الدراسة بالقسم والعراقيل التي تواجه القسم واعضاء هيئة الدريس التابعين له والطلبة الدارسين.


اجتماع قسم ضمان الجودة وتقييم الأداء بكلية التمريض

إنعقاد و بحضور رئيس قسم الجودة بكلية التمريض ا.عادل عبدالقادر الاطرش، وا.امحمد سالم و ا.العناق محمد سعيد منسق الجودة بقسم القبالة وحديثي الولادة، و ا. حنان يونس منسق الجودة بقسم التمريض.لمناقشة جدول الاعمال واستفاء الكلية لمعايير الاعتماد الموسسي.

Graduation Project

College of Nursing - Sebha University
The student submits his graduation project after completing a number of course units, where he presents a scientific research by choosing a supervisor, and this supervisor is one of the faculty members in the department.

يعد مشروع التخرج ضمن متطلبات الحصول على الدرجة العلمية أو المؤهل في مجال التخصص، لذا يستوجب  على الطالب التنسيق مع قسم لتقديم …

Course Description

Course Description
كلية التمريض _ جامعة سبها
القسم العام بالسنة الاولى والثانية
وصف المقررات الدراسية
NR103:Anatomy                                                                                          Credits : 2
The Course is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge of the normal structure of various human body systems and understand the alterations in anatomical structures in disease and practice of nursing.

NR104: Physiology                                                                                      Credits : 2
يهتم هذا …



List of academic courses for the auxiliary medical science course (for obtaining a bachelor’s degree in nursing sciences) at the Faculty of Nursing, Sebha University.

The student enrolled in the college must successfully pass all the courses referred to later, according to the percentage specified for each course,

لمزيد من المعلومات اضغط هنا

Department admission requirements

Department admission requirements
Depends on the student’s desire after he passes the basic academic subjects in both the first and second academic years.
يشترط القبول لنيل درجة الإجازة الجامعية  ما يلي:
1– أن يكون الطالب المتقدم للدراسة بالكلية حاصلاً على شهادة إتمام الدراسة الثانوية العامة
2– أن يلتزم الطالب بأنظمة والتعليمات ولوائح الجامعة السارية أثناء الدراسة.
3– أن يكون المتقدم للدراسة حسن السيرة …

Study plan

Study plan

Lectures based on the discussion
Panel discussions
Field visits
self education
How to solve problems.
Clinical training programmed to develop and implement the nursing plan, under the supervision of the instructor.
Practical training on how to solve problems.
Study and evaluate a case by a group of students under the supervision of the instructor.
List of courses for the study program