Midwifery and newborn department

Graduation Project

Clinical and practical hours are approved as requirements that qualify the student to graduate. With the vision of the department to include the graduation project as a requirement for graduation in the future.

College of Nursing - Sebha University
The student submits his graduation project after completing a number of course units, where he presents a scientific research by choosing a supervisor, and this supervisor is one of the faculty members in the department.

يعد مشروع التخرج ضمن متطلبات …



List of academic courses for the auxiliary medical science course (for obtaining a bachelor’s degree in nursing sciences) at the Faculty of Nursing, Sebha University.

The student enrolled in the college must successfully pass all the courses referred to later, according to the percentage specified for each course,

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Department admission requirements

Department admission requirements
After the student completes the basic subjects in the second academic year as the basics of clinical nursing, they can desire to join the midwifery department.
List of academic courses for the auxiliary medical science course (for obtaining a bachelor’s degree in nursing sciences) at the Faculty of Nursing, Sebha University.
يجب على الطالب المقيد للدراسة بالكلية أن يجتاز بنجاح جميع المقررات الدراسية المشار إليها فيما …

Study plan

List of academic courses for the auxiliary medical science course (for obtaining a bachelor’s degree in nursing sciences) at the Faculty of Nursing, Sebha University.
The student enrolled in the college must successfully pass all the courses referred to later, according to the percentage specified for each course,

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Vision, mission and goals

Vision, mission and goals

Protecting the public and people by ensuring that quality healthcare continues to be delivered by nurses and midwives.


تقوية وتعزيز مهنة القبالة  علي الصعيد العالمي من خلال تشجيع القابلات باسم مقدمي الرعاية الأنسب للإنجاب الأطفال وحفظ الولادة الطبيعية من أجل تعزيز الصحة الإنجابية للمرأة وصحة المولود الجديد وأسرته. قسم القبالة موجود لحماية صحة …

About the department

About the department
يقدم القسم مواد للطلبة من مستوى السنة الثالثة حيث يتلقون المعلومات والمهارات الأساسية لتقديم الرعاية للنساء الحوامل والأطفال حديثي الولادة. يتم تدريب الطلبة على التعامل مع النساء وخاصة في فترات الحمل والولادة، حيث يتم بدء التدريب في مختبرات الكلية في السنة الثالثة من الدراسة، ثم يتم تدريبهم في اقسام الولادة والنسائية في …