Using E-learning as a Mechanism to Improve the Quality of University Education Outputs in Algeria

Amar Moulai , Kada Yazid (1)
(1) , Libya


Nowadays, the success of university education institutions depends on its ability to cope with various changes at the local and international level, as well as to provide the necessary output to face internal and external challenges, Currently these roles that are placed on university education institutions can be achieved only through the adoption of new mechanisms and policies, and this led to emphasize the importance of adopting electronic learning as it is one of the most essential modern management methods in university education. Based on this importance, this study is provided as an attempt to identify the role of e-learning in improving education at Algerian University, depending on the descriptive-analytical method, and conducting a practical study at the faculty of economic sciences, management and commercial Sciences in Saida University, The results of the study show that e-learning is an important tool that can contribute to improve the quality of university education outputs in Algeria.

ط. د. مولاي اعمر و. د. يزيد قادة. (2020). Using E-learning as a Mechanism to Improve the Quality of University Education Outputs in Algeria. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 19(4), 1–7.

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