توصيف المقررات
Descriptive of Compulsory Statistics Courses
ST101 : General Statistics I CREDITS 3
- General concepts, Concept of statistics and its relation ship to other science.
- Statistical data and methods of collecting data.
- Frequency distribution, Cumulative frequency dist.
- Geometrical representation of data.(graphical)
- Measures of central tendency (Mean, Mode, Median, geometric mean, harmonic mean percentiles.)
- Measures of dispersion (range, mean deviation, variance, standard deviation, standard error of the mean pooled variance).
- Properties of (Variance, Coefficient of variation, Standard Scores, Moments, Skew ness, Kurtosis).
- Simple regression and correlation (fundamental idea).
- Concept of probability (fundamental idea).
- Binomial distribution.
- Normal distribution.
ST201 : General Statistics II CREDITS 4 •
General review of (ST101), Sampling distribution of the sample mean. General concepts and properties of Chi-squarer, Student-t, Snedecor-F distribution, relationship between t and F, population parameters. Concept of interval estimation, Confidence limits for single mean, difference between two means, single proportion, difference between two proportions.
- Correlation: general concepts, simple, partial, multiple correlation coefficient. Test and confidence limits concerning simple correlation.
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, contingency and association coefficients. Chi-square test for independency and association contingency tables. Regression: general Concepts, linear regression (with no more than two independent variables), estimation, test and confidence limits concerning regression parameters.
ST202 : Probability I CREDITS 3 •
Counting methods (basic counting method, permutations, combinations, (with replacement and without replacement)).
- Random experiment.
- Probability theory (definitions, axioms and theorems).
- Conditional Probability
Laws of probability.(Addition & Multiplication law)
- Bayes theorem.
- Random variables (definitions).
- Probability Mass Function. & Probability Density Function
- Distribution function.
- Properties of random variable (expectation and its properties, variance and its properties, moments and moment generating function, probability generating function).
- Simple idea about Chebyshev’s Inequalities.
- Simple idea about Binomial, Poisson, Normal dist.
ST301 : Probability II CREDITS 4 •
Introduction (a simple review of ST202).
- Probability generating function.
- Characteristic function.
- Some measures about distributions ( mode, median, mean, variance, skew ness, kurtosis)
- Some parametric families of discrete distributions and their properties: (Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Negative Binomial, Hyper Geometric).
- Some parametric families of continuous distributions ( Uniform, Normal, Log-Normal, Gamma, Exponential, Beta)
- Joint, marginal and conditional distributions.
- Conditional expectations, covariance, conditional variance Multinomial dist.
ST302 : Statistical Method I CREDITS 4 •
Introduction, samples: sample and population, statistics and parameter, mean, variance and standard error of a sample, estimator of population variance, pooled variance.
- Linear combinations of random variables. Calculating the mean and variance of a linear combination.
- Sampling from Normal Population, the distribution of linear combination. of normal dist.
- The mean and variance of a sample.
- Test of Hypothesis : Null and Alternative hypothesis, critical region, type I & type II error, level of significance, degree of freedom.
- Using statistical tables for2 , t, F, and Z.
- General concepts and notations concerning test of significant, Some significant tests based on:
Normal dist. (test for single mean, difference between two means).
t-dist. (test for single mean, difference between two means). 2 – dist. (test for single variance, goodness of fit, the homogeneity of several variances).
F- dist. (test for the ration between two variances, one and two way analysis of variance). Test for regression coefficients.
ST401 : Mathematical Statistics I CREDITS 3
- Introduction to distribution theory.( Cauchy, Laplace, Weibull, Logistic, Pareto and Gambel dist.)
- Distributions of functions of random variables.
- Expectations of functions of random variables( with referring to the mean and variance of such functions).
- Concluding of distributions using.
- Distribution function.
- Moment generating
- Transformation techniques.
- Exact sampling distributions:
Derivation of chi-square, student-t and F-distributions.
- Exact sampling distribution of the sample mean and variance from normal population.
- Introduction to Order statistics, Weak law of large number, Central limit theorem.
ST402 : Sampling Techniques I CREDITS 3
- Definitions
- Purpose & advantages of sampling
- Census versus sample surveys
- Various stages of sample surveys
- Random and non-random samples( with and without replacement )
- Simple random sampling(properties of the estimates, tables of random numbers, sampling of proportions and percentages, confidence limits for the populations estimates, determination of sample size).
- Stratified random sampling (notations, properties of the estimate, determination of sample size using proportional allocations, optimum allocation, Neyman allocation, confidence limits for the estimates, sampling of proportions and percentages)
- relative precision of stratified sampling versus simple random sampling
- Estimation of means and standard errors
- Estimation of proportions
Estimation of sample size for a given precision.
ST403 : Correlation & Regression Analysis CREDITS 3
- Bivariate Dist., Correlation
- Scatter Diagram
- Karl Person coefficient of correlation
Limits for Correlation coefficient
Assumptions underlying Karl Person coefficient of correlation
- Probable Error of Correlation coefficient
- Rank Correlation Repeated Ranks
Limits for the Rank Correlation coefficient
- Concept and Assumptions of regression analysis.
- Least square estimates and their properties including Gauss-Markov theorem.
- Linear regression analysis
- Point estimate of the parameters and their confidence intervals
- Test of linearity of regression
- Correlation coefficient between observed and Estimated Value, Correlation Ratio
- Multiple and Partial Correlation ( properties, multiple Correlation can be expressed in terms of total and partial Correlation)
ST404 : Time Series Analysis CREDITS 3
- Concept of time series, Objective of time series analysis, Kinds and components of time series, Time series Models.
- Analysis of time series
- Smoothing, Linear trend (Curve fitting, Filtering, differencing),
Moving average, Seasonal fluctuations, Cyclical fluctuations, Autocorrelation, Autocorrelation function (ACF), Interpreting the ACF .
- Tests for linearity of time series, prediction, calculation of seasonal index.
- Non-linear trend (2nd and 3rd degree, logarithmic, exponential, and logistic models)
- Index numbers:
- Concept, methods of constructions of index numbers
- Sources of errors in constructing index numbers.
- Standard of living.
- Different tests of index numbers.
ST501 : Sampling Techniques II CREDITS 3
- Introduction
- Ratio and regression methods of estimation with and without stratification, Combined Ratio estimate
- Difference and product estimation
- Unbiased Ratio type estimate
- Census verses sample surveys
- Unbiased ratio type estimate
- Systematic sampling
- Single stage and cluster sampling
- Estimation of means, totals & variance for simple random and stratified sampling
- Ideas of unequal Probability sampling
ST502 : Theory Of Estimation CREDITS 3
- Introduction
- definitions of sample, population, parameter, statistic and estimator. Types of estimators
- Point estimation :
- Properties of estimator: unbiased, consistency, efficiency and sufficiency, minimum variance unbiased estimation
- Methods of estimation: Method of Moments, Method of Maximum likelihood, Minimum variance, Least squares and Minimum chi-square, Mention of Bayesian method
- Rao-Cramer Inequality Cauchy – Schwart’s Inequality
- Interval estimation
- Some fundamental notions of interval estimation, applications for obtaining confidence limits for parameters (means , variances and proportions, equal & Unequal, known & unknown population Variances) of some standard distributions (Normal).
- Linear function of means of independent random sample,
- Bayesian estimator and their uses
ST503 : Statistical Method II CREDITS 3
- Scientific method of social survey
- Natural and purpose of social survey
- Important of research, formulation of research problem & hypothesis Field experiments and surveys, Types of survey, Designing survey.
- Natural of Designing of laboratory experimentation, Collection of data.
- Kind of questionnaires and canvass.
The problem of non-response, Field organization.
- Training and supervision of field investigation.
- Presentation of report, Familiarity with large sample surveys.
ST504 : Analysis Of Variance CREDITS 4
- Concept and assumptions underlying ANOVA
- One-way Analysis of Variance
- Mathematical model
- Fixed, mixed and random models.
- Equal & unequal sample size, ANOVA tables, Expected of mean square
- Test for homogeneity, Bartlette and Cochran transformations, Comparisons and contrasts, Least significant difference(LSD), Tukey method, Sheffe’ method, Duncan multiple range test.
- Two-way Analysis of Variance
- Mathematical model (without interaction & with interaction)
- Fixed, random and mixed models.
- ANOVA tables, Expected of mean square
- Three way ANOVA
- Mathematical model(without interaction & with interaction)
- Fixed, random and mixed models.
- ANOVA tables, Expected of mean square One-way-two factor ANOVA with and without replications.
- Analysis of covariance one-way-one factor ANOCOV, two-way-one factor ANOCOV.
ST506 : Quality Control & Reliability CREDITS 3
- Meaning and objective of Statistical Quality Control
- Different techniques of achieving Statistical Quality Control
- Different types Quality measures
- Rational subgroups and technique of Quality Control charts (3 limits and probability limits, control charts for mean, S.D. and range , control charts for number of defectives, fraction defective and percent defective
- Control Charts for attributes (P-chart & C-chart)
- Control Charts for variables (P-chart & C-chart)
- Operating characteristic curve. Acceptance sampling plans (single, double plans).
- Meaning of Reliability
ST601 : Test Hypotheses CREDITS 3
- Introduction, definitions and notations. Concept of simple and composite hypothesis, test of statistical Hypothesis, types of errors, power of a least, power function, Critical region.
- Most powerful test and Uniformly most powerful lest, Neyman-Pearson lemma. Likelihood ratio test,
- Determination of sample size, BCR, MP.
- Applications (Tests about means, variances, proportions, regression, correlation coefficients Chi-square test: goodness of fit &independence).
- Idea about SPRT, approximation expected sample size of a SPRT.
ST602 : Experimental Design CREDITS 4
- definitions
- Model, treatments, experimental unit, block, replication and experimental error
- The rule of statistics: interpretation and analysis, Replication, randomization, Control of measurement of efficiency.
- Completely Randomized designs: model, partitioning of Total
SS, ANOVA, Estimation of parameters, Multiple contrasts
(LSD, Tukey, Duncan, Scheffe’), (Equal & unequal replication), Analysis of covariance.
- Randomized Blocks designs: model, partitioning of Total SS, ANOVA, (Equal & unequal replication), Estimation of parameters, Missing observations. Relative efficiency. Multiple contrasts, Analysis of covariance.
- Latin Squares: model, orthogonal Latin Squares, partitioning of TSS, ANOVA, Estimation of parameters, Missing observations, relative efficiency.
- Factor Experiments analysis of 2p factorial experiments
- Split-plot designs, incomplete Latin squares designs, balanced incomplete block designs.
ST603 : Regression Analysis CREDITS 3 •
- Simple Regression model E(Y/X) & assumptions, estimation of, and inference (estimation & test) about the parameters, Angle between two lines of regression, Test of linearity of regression.
- Multiple Regression. Matrix treatment. Estimation and inference about the parameters (estimation & test). Coefficient of determination. Polynomial regression with one regressors (predictor). Estimation of the parameters.
- Orthogonal polynomial, determination of degree using ANOVA.
- Search for best set of regressors (predictor) using Step-wise Method (Forward, Backward & Best R2 ).
- Duality Method
ST604 : Numerical Analysis CREDITS 3 •
- Source of error
- Round errors and instability
- Estimation of errors
- Solution of Equations in one Variable
- The bisection Algorithm
- Fixed-point Iteration
- The Newton-Raphson method
- Zero of real Polynomials
- Interpolation and polynomial Approximation
- The Taylor Polynomials
- Interpolation and lagrange Polynomial
- Divided differences
- Finite differences
- Curve Fitting
- Discrete least squares method
- Cubic-spline method
- Solving Linear systems
- Gaussian Elimination and pivoting
- Linear Algebra and Matrix Inversion
- Direct Factorization of Matrices
- Gauss iterative method
- Numerical Solution of Non-Linear Systems
- Fixed-point for function of several Variables – Newton’s method
- Numerical Differentiation and Integration
- Numerical differential – Higher derivatives and extrapolation
- Elements of numerical integration – Composite numerical integration
- Adaptive Quadratic Methods – Romberg Integration
ST702 : Mathematical Statistics II CREDITS 3
- Introduction: Distributions of order statistics, Complex Numbers
- Characteristic function (properties and related theorems Inversion theorem), Multivariate characteristic function
- Infinite divisible law.
- Chebyshev’s Inequality.
- Concept of absolutely continuous random variables, sequence of random variables.
- Modes of convergence:
- Convergence in distribution.
- Convergence in probability.
- Mean square Convergence.
- Limiting distribution and Stochastic Convergence.
- Limiting moment generating function.
- Laws of large numbers (Weak Law of large numbers WLLN).
- Bernoulli’s law of large numbers.
- Applications of law of large numbers.
- Central limit theorem and it’s various forms.:
- De-Moivere’s Laplace theorem.
- Lindeberg-Levy theorem.
- Liapounoff’s central limit theory.
- Applications of Central limit theorem.
ST703 : Demography CREDITS 3
- Introduction to vital statistics,
- Collection of vital Statistics, Census, Mortality and fertility rates.
- Construction of life table.
- Types of population : Stationary, Stable and Dynamic Populations. Reproduction rates, Growth of population
- Population projections and estimations.
- Migration and distribution of population.
ST708 : Stochastic Processes CREDITS 3 •
Stochastic processes (definition & examples)
- Markov Chain: one –two & multiple stats Markov chains, Transition functions, and initial distribution.
- Transition and reconnect Stats.
- Absorption Probabilities.
- Continuous time Markov chains.
- Birth & death chain.
- Random walk (simple and general)
- Unrestricted random walk with one or two absorbing barriers
- Branching processes
ST803 : Sampling Distribution CREDITS 3 •
- Gamma & Beta Distribution:( pdf, moments, moment generating function, Characteristic function, mode, Inflection points, skew ness, Additive property for Gamma Dist.)
- Chi-Square distribution:( pdf, moments, moment generating function, Characteristic function, mode, Inflection points, skew ness, Additive property, test for population variance, Chi-Square test of independence & homogeneity, Chi-Square for pooling the probabilities, Yate’s correction)
- Non-Central Chi-Square distribution: :(with non-central parameter, moment generating function, Additive property, Cumulate of nonCentral Chi-Square distribution)
- Student’s t- distribution: (Derivation of Student’s t- distribution, pdf, moments, moment generating function, Characteristic function, mode, Inflection points, Critical values of t, Application of t-Dist.)
- Non-Central Student’s t- distribution (properties)
- F- distribution (Derivation of F- distribution, pdf, moments, moment generating function, Characteristic function, mode, Inflection points, Critical values of t, Application of F-Dist.)
- Non-Central F- distribution (properties)
ST804 : Multivariate Analysis CREDITS 3
- Introduction : Data Matrix (Mean vector, Covariance Matrix, Centering Matrix, Sample correlation Matrix, Linear Combinations, Transformation)
- Basic properties of random vectors (cumulative dist., Joint density function, conditional dist., Expectation, Conditional moments, Characteristic function,)
- Multi-normal Distribution (Quadratic form ,properties
- Estimation of Mean vector and Covariance Matrix (Maximum likelihood estimators )
- The distribution of the sample Mean Vector
- Test and Confidence regions for mean vector
- Non central Chi-Square distribution (Multivariate)
- The General (Hotelling’s) T2– Statistics (properties) Wishart Distribution (properties)
- Canonical Analysis.
ST806 : Operation Research CREDITS 3 •
Introduction: meaning and importance of Operation research
- Linear Programming: General linear programming Problem , graphic solution, simplex method, Computational Procedure, Problem of degeneracy, duality in linear programming, Transportation problem, Assignment Problem, inventory problems.
- Games theory : Kind of games, Two person-zero sum game, Stable Vs Unstable Game, Dominate Strategy.
- Network Analysis: the critical path method CPM, PERT,
- Queuing System: characteristics, Poisson & Exponential queues, models with numerical Examples.
ST809 : Applied Linear Models CREDITS 3 •
Introduction in Econometrics.
- Problems of liner regression( autocorrelation- multicolinerity- heterscedasticity- error in variable).
- Simultaneous equations.
- Regression on :((Estimation of parameters in each case)):
- Dummy variables (Dummy independent variables, Dummy dependent variable).
ST812 : Project I CREDITS 4
In this course the student (more than one student) chooses a problem for purpose of research. The statistical methods that he developed during the stages of his specialized studies are used.