متطلبات التخرج

متطلبات التخرج

The department of statistics was established in 1985. Since then it has been offering  B.Sc. degree  in  statistics. In addition  to  that, it  provides  courses in Statistics to students of other departments of the Faculty of Science and the University.

The requirements for B.Sc. degree in statistics are:

I) Students of General Secondary

At least 140 credit hours, the distributions of total credit hours are:

a)  Major Courses : Statistics:

Set (A) the compulsory courses           84 credits

Set (B) the Elective courses                 3   credits (at least)

87 credits (at least)

b)  Supporting  Courses :

Mathematics                                        25  credits (at least)

Computer Sc.                                       11  credits (at least)

c)  University& Faculty requirements                 19 credits (at least)
II) Students of Specialized Secondary

At least 112 credit hours, the distributions of total credit hours are

a)  Major Courses : Statistics:

Set (A) the compulsory courses#                    72 credits Set (B) the Elective courses                 9   credits (at least)

81  credits (at least)

b)  Supporting  Courses :

Mathematics*                                       15 credits (at least)

Computer Sc.**                                    6   credits (at least)

c)  University& Faculty requirements                 10 credits (at least)
#  This kind of students start at third semester  (start with ST301 of set (A))
*  This kind of students start with MA202 of set (C) **CS202 (2)+CS301 (4)

متطلبات التخرج من القسم مقسمة على النحو التالي:

ر.م المقرر الدراسي عدد الوحدات
1 متطلبات القسم من الجامعة-المتطلبات العامة 14
2 متطلبات القسم من الكلية-المتطلبات الداعمة 36
3 متطلبات القسم التخصصية-الإجبارية 84
4 متطلبات القسم الاختيارية 6
  المجموع 140



