About the Department

About the Department

About the Department Biotechnology Department, Sebha University 

تعتبر جامعة سبها من أهم المصادر الأساسية في تطور المجتمع في الجنوب الليبي , ومن أهم معايير التطور هو الانفتاح والاستقطاب, بناء عليه تم وضع خطة علمية لإنتاج قسم من الأقسام الحيوية , حيوية بالنتائج التي تقدمها وذلك لإهمية التخصص المواكب للتقدم العلمي التطبيقي والمعتمد على التكنولوجيا الحديثة للحصول على أفضل الانتاجات والكوادر القادرة على إنعاش المجتمع والمساعدة في الانتقال النوعي من الاعتماد الخارجي إلى الاعتماد الذاتي في العديد من المجالات البحثية العلمية والطبية ومن خلال هذا المنظور تم وضع العديد من الأهداف.


The department aims to achieve the following prospects and goals:

1 - Expediting the transfer and assimilation of biotechnology according to a practical scientific plan.

2- The optimal use of the faculty's potential, which is education, training, research and application.

3- The embodiment of modern structures that underpin many of the great scientific technologies.

4 - Adapting to the changes taking place in the relationship between science and technology in terms of reducing the time period between detection, application and access to beneficiaries, by conducting research in accordance with the agreements concluded to solve field problems faced by these authorities.

5- Providing technical consultations, feasibility studies and field participation to solve scientific problems facing society in addition to services and research centers in the concerned secretariats.

5- Providing technical consultations, feasibility studies and field participation to solve scientific problems facing society in addition to services and research centers in the concerned secretariats.

7 - Contributing to making the educational process outputs keep pace with the needs of society.

8- Preparing and training technical cadres capable of assisting in the implementation of genetic engineering and biotechnology programs and projects at the university and other bodies, as well as raising the research efficiency of specialists, provided that these programs are local, external or joint.

9- Providing and facilitating the necessary means for scientific openness to the international scientific centers and bodies that carry out similar activities in developed and developing countries.

10- Organizing conferences, holding seminars and scientific training courses individually or within specific agreements in cooperation with universities, research institutes and centers concerned with this activity inside and outside.

11- Providing practical methods and methods for analyzing the developmental programs that include the uses of genetic engineering and biotechnology in the economic, social and technical fields, with the assistance of participating institutes and institutions.

fields of study::

The department's academic fields of study are in the following specializations:

1- Molecular Biology

2- Animal biotechnology

3- Molecular diagnostics

4- Medical Microbiology

 The academic degree awarded by the department::

At the request of the Faculty of Science, Sebha University awards the Bachelor's and Master of Science degrees in Biotechnology.