Graduate Studies Department

تم تخريج عدد (2) دفعتين من حملة الاجازة التخصصية (الماجستير ) سنة (1998) ، (2000) ، وسيتم استمرار واستئناف الدراسات العليا خلال السنوات القادمة . يشرف قسم الدراسات العليا بالكلية على إجراءات تسجيل ومتابعة الطلاب بمرحلة الدراسات العليا وإعداد الجداول الدراسية وتوفير الكادر الاكاديمي والفنى لإتمام العملية التعليمية وإعداد الخطط المستقبلية وإقامة ورش العمل والندوات والمؤتمرات التى تدعم برامج الدراسات العليا.

It undertakes the following tasks:

  1. Receive nominations for the various scientific departments of the college for the purposes of study or training, and to classify and classify them.
  2. Determining and specifying the fields of postgraduate study and training available in the college, and preparing them for guidance.
  3. Participate in conducting the necessary research and studies to determine the possibility of creating new specializations for postgraduate studies and developing existing ones, and preparing and following up the necessary implementation plans and programs.
  4. Preparing college graduate plans and programs and supervising their implementation.
  5. Preparing plans and programs for graduate studies abroad, taking their approval procedures and the procedures implemented for them, and following up on their implementation in coordination with the competent authorities.
  6. Prepare the necessary draft budget for the implementation of plans and programs for graduate studies at home and abroad and follow up on its preparation and implementation.
  7. Receive reports on the follow-up of the implementation of plans and programs of graduate studies and training at home and abroad, study them, analyze them, and take the necessary measures to overcome the difficulties and problems facing implementation.
  8. Examine the requests to extend or end the mission and ensure that the envoy returns to start his work in the department he is affiliated with.
  9. Participate in seminars, symposia, and scientific forums related to the office's activities at home and abroad.
  10. Preparing periodic and annual follow-up reports on the office's activity.
  11. Participate in the work of committees and work teams related to the office's activity.
  12. Keep files for GSA
  13. Take procedures to complete the appointment appointment documents and refer them to the competent authorities.
  14. Notify the university of the college’s needs for teaching assistants in accordance with the requirements set by the college in order to take measures to announce them.
  15. Preparing data and statistics for the college's teaching assistants and informing the university thereof.
جامعة سبها الصفحة الرئيسية
جامعة سبها الصفحة الرئيسية