توصيف المقررات

توصيف المقررات

كلية الهندسة

وصف المقررات الدراسية بقسم الهندسة الكيميائية


BSc. Chemical Engineering Course Contents



GS111: Mathematics I                                                                                     Credits: 3

Limits, continuity, derivatives, chain rule, higher derivatives, implied differentiation, trigonometric functions, maximum, minimum, point of inflection, curve sketching, role’s theorem, mean value theorem. Definite and indefinite integrals: Definition, area under curve, area between two curves, volume of solids of revolution. Methods of integration by substitution, integration by parts.

GS112: Physics I                                                                                             Credits: 3

Units and Dimensions, Vectors and scalars, Kinematic Equations 1, Kinematic Equations 2, Kinetics, Work and Kinetic Energy, Energy and Momentum, Waves definition, Types of waves The wave equation, Sound waves, Electromagnetic waves.

GS113: Chemistry I                                                                                          Credits: 3

Classifications of matter, physical and Chemical properties, measurements(SI), Scientific Notation, Naming Compounds, Atomic number, Mass number, Atomic weight, Isotopes, Molecular weights and Percent composition, Stoichiometry, The structure of an atom, Periodic Table of Elements, Types of Chemical Reactions, Lewis Symbols or Diagrams, Chemical Bonds, Chemical Equilibrium, Acidic and Bases, Gases laws, Introduction in organic chemistry.

GE114: Engineering Drawing-I                                                                         Credits: 2

Introduction: Drawing instrument, types of lines, letters and figures, geometrical construction, dimensioning, projections, principles of first angle and third angle projection, projection applications, sectioning, section of views and hatching.

GH116: Arabic Language                                                                                  Credits: 2

Review of Arabic courses taken in high school, including construction of Arabic sentence, spelling and punctuation.

GH115 & GH125: English (I&II)                                                                     Credits:2&2

   GH115 and GH125 are complimentary courses designed to introduce the student to the basic patterns of scientific English at the introductory stage and thereafter deals with more advanced materials. Each cover:-

  • Intensive reading of passage containing material the student needs with comprehension questions, contextual references, vocabulary exercises and affixation.
  • The study of scientific vocabulary which includes use of dictionary, spelling and affixation.
  • Revision and study of Basic English verb tenses, action and passive.
  • Description of the laboratory experiments.
  • Study and use of the passive voice in scientific technical English.
  • Form.
  • Compound nouns. The English noun phrases, relative clause

GS121: Mathematics II                                                                                        Credits: 3

Methods of integration: By partial fractions, by successive reduction formula, transcendental function; differentiation and integration of transcendental functions. Complex numbers, partial differentiation, applications on relative maxim and minim, the method of Long-range multiplier integration with applications.

GS122: Physics II                                                                                                 Credits: 3

Electrostatics: Charges and fields, the electric potential electric current, the magnetic fields electric fields in matter. Photoelectric effect, Einstein’s explanation and quantum theory of the hydrogen atom, radioactive decay law derivation.

GS123: Chemistry II                                                                                             Credits: 2

Laboratory safety, Laboratory techniques, definition acids, bases and salts, Identification of Acidic and Basic Radicals,  Experiments……..

A- Acidic Radicals:

1- Dilute HCl acid group (Carbonate CO32-, BiCarbonate HCO3-, SulphideS2, Sulphite SO32-, Thiosulphate S2O32-, Nitrire NO2- and Acetate CH3COO).

2-Concentrated H2SO4 acid group (( Chloride Cl Bromide Br, Iodide I, Nitrate NO3 and Oxalate C2O42- ))

3- Miscellaneous group (( Sulphate SO42-, Phosphate PO43- and Borate B4O72-)).

B- Basic Radicals: some available radical

Copper Cu2+, Cadmium Cd2+, Ferrous Fe2+, Ferric Fe3+, Aluminium Al3+, Cobalt Co2+, Calcium Ca2+, Barium Ba2+, Magnesium Mg2+, Potassium K+.

GE124: Engineering Drawing-II                                                                        Credits: 2     

This course is a comprehensive introduction to AutoCAD to produce 2D drawings. The course is delivered in a variety of modes, including theory, demonstrations and practical work. Participants gain hands on experience of AutoCAD through a series of practical exercises.

GE127: Workshop Technology                                                                            Credits: 2 Industrial safety, engineering material and their properties, casting, rolling, forging extrusion, sheet metal work, welding, principle of metal cutting and machining operations, heat and surface treatment, principle of management engineering.


GE126: Engineering Mechanics-I (Statics)                                                            Credits: 3 

Static of particles; forces in plane and space, static of rigid bodies; Equivalent system of force; equilibrium in two and three dimensions. Work and energy, analysis of trusses, frames and machines, free body diagrams; kinematics; stability friction, centroids and centre of gravity-lines, areas and volumes moment of inertia of areas and masses.

GE216: Eng. Mechanics II (Dynamics)                                                                    Credits: 3

Dynamics of particles: kinematics including rectilinear and curvilinear action kinetics of particles, Newton’s Laws of motion, energy principles, impulse and momentum, impact. Riding body dynamics: kinematics of motion including plan motion, motion relative to rotating frame, kinetics of rigid bodies. Introduction to mechanical vibration.

CE212: Strength of Materials                                                                                  Credits: 3 Atomic structure, types of bonds, metallic bonds, co-ordination, crystalline and amorphous materials, crystal system , structural disorder , metallic and non-metallic (wood-plastics) materials. Properties of materials in tension, measurement methods, failure, fracture of material.

GH214: Technical Report writing (English III)                                                       Credits: 2

Writing technical reports, report preparation and presentation, preparation of minutes of meetings, translation of technical documents.

CHE213: Physical Chemistry                                                                                   Credits: 3

Principles of physical chemistry, Behavior of ideal and real gases, Kinetic theory of gases , the first law of thermodynamics and its applications, the second law of thermodynamics, the third law of thermodynamics, Chemical equilibria of homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, Phases and solutions, Phase equilibrium, the liquid state, Thermodynamics of electrochemical cells, chemical reaction kinetics, Reaction equilibria.

GS211: Mathematics III                                                                                           Credits: 3

Ordinary differential equations, differential equations of first order and first degree, different forms, non-linear differential equations of first order, linear differential equations with constant coefficients; homogeneous case, method of variation of parameters, method of undetermined coefficient; method of Laplace transforms, simultaneous differential equations; solution of differential equations in series; gamma, beta functions, Bessel functions, modified Bessel functions, Legendre polynomials; spherical harmonics, hypergeometric function.

GS221: Mathematics IV                                                                                            Credits: 3

Vector analysis, div, grad, curl, Greens, Gausss and Stokes theorems and their applications. Linear algebra, matrices and their applications. N-Euclidean space, vector spaces. Matrices, algebra of matrices, rank of a matrix, linear transformation, system of linear equations, equivalent and similar matrices, Eigen values and Eigen vectors.

GS217: Computer programming-I                                                                           Credits: 2

Introduction to Digital Computer Organization. Programming language. Computer approaches to problem solution, Flow diagram, FORTRAN language. Fixed and floating point. Arithmetic statement. FORTRAN statement. Control statement. GO TO. Computed GO TO. IF statement. Call exit. Pause. Stop. End. Array. Subscripted variables. Dimension statement. Repeated operations. DO Statement and loop. Continue. Do implied list in input/and output statement.

GE222: Statistics                                                                                                     Credits: 2

Probability: Concept of a random experiment and a sample space; addition and multiplication laws of probability; conditional probability and independence, Bays theorem and its application. Random variables and their probability distribution Binomial, poison, Normal. Gamma, Exponential, Uniform and Cauchy distributions and their properties. Basic statistical concepts: Statistical data, measures of central tendency, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis, Regression and correlation coefficient, non-linear regression. Fitting of linear and non-linear regression to data. Multiple linear regressions and multiple correlation coefficients.

GS227: Computer Programming-II                                                                          Credits: 2

Function and subprograms. Library functions. Function and subroutine call- Return. Equivalence and Common statement. Engineering oriented exercises and programming debugging.

GE215: Electrical Engineering                                                                   Credits: 3

Kirchhoff’s laws and applications, Network theorems, applied electromagnetism and magnetic circuits, self and mutual independence, rise and fall of current in an inductive circuit, capacitance, charging an discharging of capacitors, stored energy, alternating voltages and currents, average and r.m.s. Values, phasors, complex notation, R-L-C circuits resonance, quality factor, power calculations.




GE223: Thermodynamics                                                                                       Credits: 3

Basic concepts: Properties of a system – work, energy and heat – First law of thermodynamics and its application: thermodynamic processes, constant volume, constant pressure, isothermal and polytropic processes, Reversible and irreversible processes – compression of an ideal gas – Equations of state and their applications – Concepts of entropy and the Second law of thermodynamics – Thermodynamic properties of single and two-phase systems, Maxwell relations, Thermodynamic diagrams, Generalized correlations, Energy conversion processes, Carnot cycle, heat engines, power cycle, internal combustion engines – Refrigeration cycle.

GE224: Fluid Mechanics                                                                                         Credits: 3

Fluid properties and definitions – Shear force and shear stress – Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids – viscosity and momentum transfer – units and dimensions.

Fluid static – Hydrostatic equilibrium – pressure variation in static and incompressible fluids – Manometers – Force on plane area – Buoyant force – Flow patterns and Reynolds number – Laminar and Turbulent flow – continuity equation, momentum and energy equations; Bernoulli’s equation; Eluer’s equation; Boundary layer concepts – Momentum equation applied to the boundary layer, shell momentum balance and velocity profile in laminar flow, Flow past immersed objects – Flow in packed peds and fluidization beds – Dimensional analysis.

CHE225: Introduction to Chemical Engineering                                                   Credits: 3

Nature and scope of chemical industry, Concepts of unit operations and unit processes, General concepts of chemical engineering, useful mathematical methods: presentation and correlation of data, trial-and-error solutions, mean values, dimensions and units, Physical and chemical principles: process variables, Physical states, phase equilibria, reaction rates, reaction equilibria, material balances, overall balances, phase equilibria, Humidity, chemical reactions, by-pass, recycle, purge; Material balances for unsteady-state processes, Industrial application.

CHE226: Analytical Chemistry                                                                         Credits: 3

Introduction, Solutions and Concentrations, Chemical Analysis, Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis, Volumetric Analysis, Gravimetric Analysis.

Applications: Acid-Base Titration, Compleximetric Titration, Redox Titration, Precipitation Titration, Solubility and solubility products, Common Ion Effect, Co-Precipitation.

GE311: Numerical Analysis                                                                              Credits: 3

Solution of Non-laminar equation: Bisection method – Alternative methods – Newton-Raphson method – Solution of linear system equations: Gauss-Elimination method – Gauss-Jordan method – Gauss-Siedel method, Interpolation: Newton’s Forward Difference – Newton’s Backward Difference – Stirling Control Difference – Lagrangian Interpolation: Numerical Differentiation – Numerical Integration – Trapezoidal Rule – Simpsons Rule – Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: Euler’s method – Modified method – Runga Kutta method – Second  order and Fourth order – Linear Regression and method of least squares – Non-linear Regression – Errors.

GS312: Organic Chemistry                                                                               Credits: 3

Principles of organic chemistry, Classification of organic compounds, Saturated and unsaturated compounds, Hydrocarbons; Aromatic compounds; alcohol; ethers; aldehydes; phenols; ketones; carboxylic acids; esters; amines; Industrial applications of organic compounds.

GE313: Applied Fluid Mechanics                                                                     Credits: 2

General Energy Equation, Reynolds Number, Laminar flow and Turbulent Flow, Energy Losses due to friction, Minor Losses, Series pipe line systems, Parallel pipe line systems.

Pump selection and application, Open channel flow, Flow measurement, Agitation and Mixing, Power requirements for mixing.

CHE314: Heat Transfer I                                                                                   Credits: 3

Introduction to heat transfer, Conduction law, Steady-state conduction in one-dimensional system, Convection heat transfer, Forced convection, laminar and turbulent flow heat transfer inside and outside tubes and tube banks, Effect of geometry, thermal boundary layers, Dimensional analysis, Natural convection, Heat transfer with phase change – boiling and condensation heat transfer, Double pipe heat exchanger and the log mean temperature difference (LMTD) – Radiation.

CHE315: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics                                       Credits: 3

PVT properties of real gases, Equations for thermodynamic properties in term of PVT properties, Generalised correlations of PVT and thermodynamic properties of real gases, PVT properties of mixtures of real gases, ideal and real solutions, Partial molar properties and chemical potential. Fugacity and Fugacity coefficients, Standard states, Activity and activity coefficients , Heat of mixing and solution, Phase equilibria, Vapour-liquid equilibria of binary systems at ordinary pressures, High pressure equilibrium, Critical and retrograde phenomena, Calculation of bubble and dew points, Estimation of k value using various methods, Chemical equilibria: effects of temperature and pressure on equilibrium constants, Equilibrium conversion in chemical reactions, Study of feasibility of a chemical reaction.

CHE316: Chemical Engineering Calculations                                                Credits: 3

The Energy balance: Form of energy; Total energy balance; Heat effects: phase changes, Heat of mixing, Heat of solution, Enthalpy – Composition diagrams, Chemical reactions; Combined material and energy balances, Application of material and energy balances on a chemical plant, Unsteady-state energy balances, Combustion calculations, Energy balances for industrial processes.

CHE317: Instrumental Analysis Methods                                                       Credits: 3

Introduction, Gravimetric analysis, Precipitation and volatilization methods, Volumetric analysis, Standard solution, Primary standards, Molarity and Normality with some applications; Spectrophotometric, Analysis visible-ultra violent, Infrared; Instrumentations; Absorption laws with their applications, Flame emission and atomic absorption methods, Separation technique: Ion-exchange chromatography, Gas-liquid chromatography, HPLC and their applications, Potentiometric analysis, PH-meter, oxidation reduction curves; Ion selective electrode.

Practical work involves applications on most of the topic mentioned above.

CHE321: Chemical Reaction Engineering I                                                    Credits: 3

Introduction, Kinetics of Homogeneous Reactions, Interpretation of Batch Reactor Data, Introduction to Reactor Design, Single Ideal Reactors, Design for single reactions, Design for multiple reactions, Catalyst.

CHE322: Heat Transfer II                                                                                  Credits: 3

Unidimensional and Multidimensional Unsteady-state heat transfer by conduction; Schmidt method; Transient heat flow; lumped Heat Capacity method, Shell and tube heat exchangers; LMTD corrections, Fouling factors and overall heat transfer coefficient, Evaporation; Evaporators and condensers, Heat exchanger effectiveness and design, Extended surfaces.

CHE323: Polymers Technology Engineering (Elective Course)                    Credits: 3

Modern concepts of Polymerization – Types of polymerization – Defining Monomer Polymers – Classification of polymers – Step-Growth and Chain-Growth polymers. Industrial applications; Synthetic fibers processing; Natural and synthetic rubber manufacturing. Plastic molding methods.

GE324: Safety and Environment                                                                     Credits:2 Safety principles and importance, Accident causes and consequences, Hazard Identification and assessment, Occupational Hazards, Fire and Explosion, Contaminant and control of Hazards, Environmental issues.

CHE325: Mass Transfer I                                                                                  Credits: 3

Principles of mass transfer , Molecular diffusion in fluids; Fick’s law, Equimolar counter diffusion through stationary fluids – Diffusion coefficients for gas and liquid systems – Eddy (Turbulent) diffusion – Mass transfer coefficients – Mass transfer theories – Interphase mass transfer and overall mass transfer coefficients – Humidification; Psychrometric charts ; Cooling towers – Drying; drying time calculation and drying rate, equipments used in drying operations – Crystallization ; principles and theory of crystallization – Ion exchange.

CHE326: Unit Operation Lab I                                                                          Credits: 2

The purpose of the lab is to cover the basic principles of fluid mechanics and heat transfer courses and comparing the experimental with theoretical data.

Experiments in fluids mechanics are such as: flow through a nozzle , flow through a sharp-edge orifice, flow through Venturi meter, Laminar flow through glass tube, Friction coefficients in pipe flow, Turbulent flow through various pipe, Flow over 90o V-notch and rectangular notch, Performance of centrifugal pump.

Experiments in Heat transfer are such as: Verification of Fourier’s law of heat conduction, conduction through a Hollow sphere, conduction through solids in series, performance analysis of heat exchanger, free and forced convection, Radiation.

CHE327: Solid Particulate Processes                                                             Credits: 3

Properties and handling of particulate solids; Size reduction; Mixing of solids and pastes; Mechanical separation: Screening; Filtration; Settling and Sedimentation; Granulation; Electrostatic precipitation; Fluidization; Centrifugal separation processes.

CHE411: Mass Transfer II                                                                                 Credits: 3

Introduction to  mass transfer operations, Gas absorption; Physical gas absorption, plate and packed towers – Distillation; vapour liquid equilibrium and boiling point relation, Relative volatility, Distillation of binary systems, McCabe and Theile method, Ponchan Savarite method, Continuous distillation with reflux, Multicomponent distillation, Tray efficiencies.

Liquid-liquid Extraction; Single and continuous multistage operations – Leaching.

CHE412: Chemical Reaction Engineering II                                                   Credits: 3

Temperature and pressure effects, Non-ideal flow, Mixing of fluids, Introduction to Design for Heterogeneous Reacting systems, Fluid-particle reactions, Fluid-fluid reactions, Solid-catalyzed reactions.

MTE415: Materials Engineering                                                                       Credits: 3

Classification of materials – Crystal structures, defects in crystal structure – Solidification – Properties of materials.

Metallic materials: Carbon and low-alloy steels, high alloy steels, Nickel and alloys, Aluminium and alloys; Special metals, Titanium, Tantalum and Zirconium – Phase diagrams and alloys – Fabrication techniques for metals and alloys.

Polymeric materials – Ceramics – Composite materials – Conductors, semi conductors – Organic and metallic coating – Materials selection.

CHE416: Unit Operation Lab II                                                                         Credits: 2

This lab covers the basic principles of Mass Transfer, Chemical Reaction Engineering and Process dynamic and control through various experiments such as: Gas absorption, Batch and Continuous Distillation, Liquid-liquid Extraction, Single or double effect evaporator, Batch Reactor , Plug Flow Reactor, Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, Temperature control, Pressure control, Flow control, and Level control.

CHE413: Petroleum Refining Engineering                                                     Credits: 3

Crude oil formation, Physicochemical characteristics of crude oil and petroleum products – Crude oil preparation for refining – Atmospheric and vacuum distillation processes – Conversion operations: Catalytic cracking, Hydrocracking, Catalytic reforming ,isomerisation, and hydrotreating – Product blending.

GE422: Engineering Economy                                                                         Credits: 2

Elements of engineering economics – Measures of financial effectiveness, Economical studies and accounting, costing, break even cost analysis – Value analysis – Interest and money time relationship, Depreciation, Capital financing budgeting, Selection alternatives – Selection of options – Replacement theory – Economical studies of industrial projects, Case studies.

CHE421: Process Design                                                                                  Credits: 2

Synthesis and analysis, Development of conceptual design; Bach versus continuous processes;  Flow configurations; Structure of flow sheet; Material balance, energy balance, Engineering flow diagrams,  separation and heat exchange networks; Computer applications.

CHE423: Chemical Corrosion Engineering                                                    Credits: 3

Introduction, Corrosion Principles, Thermodynamic and kinetic of electrochemical cells, Electrode kinetics, Mass transfer phenomena, Types of corrosion, Modern theory of corrosion; Principles, Modern theory of corrosion; Applications, Corrosion prevention, Materials selection.

CHE422: Process Dynamic and Control                                                         Credits: 3

Introduction, Laplace Transforms, Linear Open-Loop Systems, Linear Closed-Loop Systems, Stability Analysis, Root-locus Methods, Frequency Response Methods, and Advanced control Systems.



CHE426: Plant Utilities                                                                                      Credits: 2

Introduction to plant services and utilities, Water-Supply Systems (industrial and municipal waters) ; Water conditioning and reuses, Water treatment methods – Energy and fuels; solid, liquid, gaseous fuels – Steam; Boilers, power generation – Air; instrument air, compressed air – Refrigeration systems – Flare and Incineration systems.

CHE427: Natural Gas Processing                                                                    Credits: 3

Overview of natural gas industry, Sources of natural gas, Classification, Processing and principal products. Product specifications, Combustion characteristics. Inlet receiving types, Gas treating processes, Sulfur recovery, Gas dehydration processes. Compression, Liquifaction cycles of natural gas. Storage and transportation of LNG. Safety and environmental Considerations.

CHE511: Project Seminar                                                                                 Credits: 4

Presentation of proposed engineering project (CHE 521) mentioned below.

CHE512: Computer Application in Chemical Engineering                           Credits: 2

Overview of chemical process, Chemical flow sheet description, Process flow diagram (PFDs), Process and instrumentation diagrams (PIDs), Introduction to simulation (HYSYS), HYSYS interface, Simulation base environment, Components tap, Hypo-components, Fluid packages, Logical unit operations, Plant design (Gas plant/Crude oil distillation), Process simulation, Optimisation in HYSYS, Optimisation across upstream, midstream, and refining.

CHE513: Industrial Chemical Technology                                                             Credits: 3

Introduction to chemical process technology, Importance of flow sheet, unit operations and processes; Operation conditions and modern technological changes involved in industrial manufacture of selected chemical – such as industrial gases ( H2, N2, O2, and CO2), Mineral acids (HNO3, H2SO4) ; Caustic soda and chlorine; Cement industries; Soaps and detergents; Paints industry; Phosphate industries, Fertilizers industries.

 CHE514: Petrochemical Industry                                                                   Credits: 3

Raw material and its sources .Petrochemical materials primary, inter mediate and final. Petro- chemicals complex location Paraffins, olefins, Acetylene and their derivatives, Industrial applications. BTX & Ethylbenzene manufacturing & applications, Production of P.V.C, styrene, phenol& acetone, Acetaldehyde, Acrylonitrile & Urea. Plexiglas manufacturing, Methanol and formaldehyde.




CHE515: Plant Design                                                                                       Credits: 3

Introduction, Development of the project, Process Design, Selection of Process Equipment and Material, Plant layout, Economic Evaluation of the project, Location of the chemical plant, Site Preparation and structures, Process auxiliaries, Design of Process Equipments.

CHE521: Project                                                                                                 Credits: 4

Project course work is intended to reinforce the training of students in applying knowledge acquired from the different courses earlier or to solve specific industrial problems. The  students may be assigned to a topic on the design of process unit involving process flow sheets, Material and energy balances, Detailed design calculation for at least one important equipment, Cost estimation and design drawings. The student will be required to submit the final project report containing the above details. However, in some cases, the project can be experimental in nature.

CHE522: Industrial Management                                                                     Credits: 2

Concept of management, Scientific management , Functions and types of management , Span of control, Forecasting, Factory planning, Production planning and control, Material management, work study, Decision making, Capital budgeting, Personal management, Industrial safety, Maintenance planning.

CHE526: Renewable Energy Engineering (Elective Course)                       Credits: 3

Renewable energy technologies Wind; Tidal; Wave; Hydroelectricity – Renewable energy technologies Geothermal; Biomass; Hydrogen-solar energy; Solar thermal – Parabolic troughs collectors – Flat plate collectors – Solar ponds – Heat and storage – Solar energy assessment factors – Solar energy application – Management of energy systems and economics – Risk and reliability engineering – design and integration of renewable energy systems.


CHE527: Lube Oil Processing (Elective Course)                                             Credits: 3

Physico-Chemical characteristics of lube oil (viscosity, viscosity change with temperature, pour point, oxidation resistance, flash point and acidity). Classification of Lube Oil. Feed stocks to lube oil processing units: Extraction, Deasphalting,Dewaxing, Deoiling,Hydrotreating, Blending and additives. Safety and environmental impacts.