توصيف المقررات

Units   Code Course Title No.
3   GS 111 Mathematics I 1
Linear and quadratic equations. Simultaneous equations. Matrices. Trigonometry. Trigonometric functions and their graphs. Complex numbers. Elementary functions and their graphs. Introduction to linear programming.


3   GS 112 Physics I 2
Part one: Mechanics and properties of matter, Dynamics, Circular motion, S.H.M. Gravitation, Rotation of rigid bodies, Static bodies, Fluids, Surface tension, Elasticity, Solid friction, Viscosity.

Part two: Heat, Introduction, Calorimetery, Gases, Thermal expansion, Changes of state, Transfer of heat, Thermometry and pyrometry.

Part three: Optics and Sound, Optics introduction, Reflection at plane surfaces, Reflection at curved surfaces, Refraction at plane surfaces, Refraction through prisms, Dispersion. Spectra, Refraction through lenses, Defects of vision, Defects of lenses, Optical instruments, Velocity of light. Photometry, Oscillations and waves. Sound waves. Characteristics, properties, velocity of sound. Vibrations in pipes, strings, rods. Optics: wave theory of light. Interference, diffraction, polarization.


3   GS 113 Chemistry I 3
General Chemistry

Descriptive chemistry, elements and compounds; basic chemical calculations, mole problems, stoichiometry, and solution concentrations; gas laws; thermochemistry; quantum theory and electronic structure of atoms; periodic properties of the elements; nuclear chemistry; chemical bonding.


2   GE 114 Engineering Drawing I 4
Drawing equipment, general layout, types of lines, dimensioning, etc. Simple geometrical constructions. Properties of geometrical figures and curves. Developments. Orthographic projection. Use of first  angle projection. Exercises to include hidden details, curved parts and sectioning. Isometric and oblique drawing. Free-hand sketching.


2   GH 115 English I 5
The purpose of the English program is to enable students to learn English in a scientific and technical context and to gain a mastery of basic scientific English to enable them to cope with their technical studies. There is also the need to equip students with sufficient oral social English as required within their working environment.

Revision of basic grammatical structures, with emphasize on those most relevant to technical usage. Application to descriptions, relationships, definitions and instructions. The conventions of written English. The development of oral/aural and reading skills. Reinforcement and augmentation of general and pre-technical vocabulary.


2   GH 116 Arabic Language * 6
Conventional introduction and revision of simple Arabic language structures. Improvement of writing, reading and speech skills. Introducing new technically directed Arabic language aspects, such as Technical Report Writing and Presentation Techniques.


3   GS 121 Mathematics II 7
Calculus and Basic rules of differentiation. Differentiation of standard functions. Maxima and minima and other applications of differentiation. Partial differentiation. Definite and indefinite integrals. Applications to area and volume. Analytic geometry: Polar and Cartesian  co-ordinates, the straight line, circle, ellipse, parabola and hyperbola.


3   GS 122 Physics II 8
Electric charges and electric forces, Electric fields, Gauss’ Law, Electric potential, Electric potential & field, Electric potential & field electrical current, Electrical current electric circuits, Electric circuits, Magnetic fields & forces, Magnetic fields & forces, Induction & Faraday’s law, Electromagnetic waves, Interference & light, The light show.

Electricity and Atomic physics, Electrostatics. Capacitors. Current Electricity. Resistance. Power. Ohm’s law applications. Measurement. Networks, Chemical effects of current, Magnetic field. Force on conductor. Electromagnetic induction . Magnetic field due to conductors. Magnetic properties of materials.  A.C. circuits. Electrons. Motion in fields. Valves. C.R.O. Junction diodes. Transistors. Radioactivity. The nucleus. X-rays. Photo- electricity. Energy levels.


2   GS 123 Chemistry II 9
General Inorganic Chemistry

Descriptive chemistry, inorganic reactions; chemical bonding; condensed phases; introduction to chemical equilibria; phase equilibria; solutions and colligative properties; metal complexes.

Accelerated General Inorganic Chemistry

Review of mole problems and stoichiometry; descriptive chemistry, elements, compounds, and inorganic reactions; gas laws; phase equilibria and colligative properties; chemical equilibrium; aqueous equilibria; topics in chemical bonding and molecular structure.


2   GE 124 Engineering Drawing II 10
Interpenetration, triangulation, intersections and true lengths. Helix, screw thread, nuts, bolts and fastenings. Involutes gear teeth and calculations. Geometrical solids, auxiliary views, half sections and revolved sections. Third angle projection. Drawings to include assemblies, ISO recommendations, limits and fits. Tolerances for roundness and cylindericity. Symbols for surface textures, welding etc. Conventions. Electrical engineering drawing. Wiring charts, symbols, color codes and installation drawings.


2   GH 125 English II 11
Extension of the revision work of GS115, with particular attention to major verb tenses and related structures. Description and explanations. introduction report writing. Further reinforcement and augmentation of vocabulary.


3   GE 126 Engineering Mechanics 1 “Statics” 12
Definitions. Statics of a system of planar forces. Statics of forces in three dimensions. Centroids and centers of gravity. Moments of inertia. Friction. Forces in beams, trusses and cables. Principle of vertical works and its applications.


2   GE 127 Workshop Technology 13
Introduction to manufacturing processes and materials. Simple measurements. Metal forming at the bench. Machine tools, cutting tools (lathe work). Principles and applications of welding and heat treatment. Shaping. Milling, shaping, planning, slotting and grinding machines. Contributory processes, e.g. presswork. Safety.


3   GS 211 Mathematics III 14
First order linear differential equations and their solutions (analytical and numerical). Second order linear differential equations with constant coefficients and their solutions (analytical and numerical). Simultaneous differential equations, their solutions and applications.


3   GE 212 Strength of Materials 15
Tension and compression in one-dimensional members. Strains. Hook’s law. Elastic constant. Shear force and bending moment. Bending stress. Torsion. Thin-walled pressure vessels. Combined stresses. Springs. Buckling of columns. Introduction to two-dimensional stress and strain.

Introduction to properties of materials. Elastic behavior of materials. Plastic behavior of materials. Viscous-elastic behavior of materials fracture of materials. Factors affecting mechanical properties. Tension test. Compression test. Hardness test. Impact test. Bending test. Creep test. Fatigue test. Extensometers. Electrical resistance strain gauges. Photo-elastic stress analysis. Introduction to engineering construction materials such as concrete, steel and wood.


3   CHE 213 Physical Chemistry (+Lab) 16
General Physical Chemistry

Chemical equilibrium; equilibria in aqueous solution; thermodynamics; chemical kinetics; electrochemistry and oxidation-reduction reactions; solid-state chemistry; industrial chemical processes.

Accelerated General Physical Chemistry

Thermodynamics and equilibrium; chemical kinetics and mechanism; electrochemistry; electronic structure of the atom and quantum theory; advanced topics in chemical bonding; coordination compounds; solid-state chemistry; nuclear chemistry.


2   GH 214 English III 17
Writing scientific English. Report writing. Note-taking from oral and printed sources. Oral and visual  presentation techniques.


3   REE 215 Electrical Engineering 18
Kirchoff’s laws, analysis of D.C. circuits using loop and nodal methods. Network theorems. Star-delta transformations. Generation of alternating e.m.f. Average and RMS values. Phasor representation of voltage and current and the use of j-operator in A.C. series and parallel circuits. Susceptance, admittance, impedance, active and reactive power, power factor in A.C. circuits. Power factor correction. Series and parallel resonance, bandwidth. Polyphase systems and various connections. Power and its measurement in 3-phase circuits. D.C. transients in RLC circuits.


3   GE 216 Engineering Mechanics II “Dynamics” 19
Definitions; force, mass and acceleration. Work and energy. Impulse and momentum. Kinetics of particles and rigid bodies. Translation and rotational dynamics. Introduction to mechanical vibrations.


2   GS 217 Computer Programming I 20
Introduction. Basic computer sciences information. Programming and digital computation. Software and hardware. Programming languages.


3   GS 221 Mathematics IV 21
Introduction to Partial differential equations. Applications of partial differentiation. Introduction to Numerical analysis. Numerical analysis applications.


2   GS 222 Statistics 22
Introduction. Frequency distribution. Mean, mode and median. Standard deviation. Probability. Regression and correlation. Binomial, Poisson, normal and exponential distributions. Tests of significance. Reliability and quality control.


3   GE 223 Thermodynamics I 23
General concepts and definitions. First law of thermodynamics. Perfect gases. Non-flow processes. Open and closed system cycles. Properties of steam. Steam table and steam chart. Thermodynamic reversibility. Second law of thermodynamics. Entropy. Ideal thermal efficiency. Carnot cycle.


3   GE 224 Fluid Mechanics 24
Properties of fluids. Fluid statics. Fundamentals of fluid flow. Fluid measurements. Dimensional analysis. Internal fluid flow. External fluid flow. Introduction to basic concepts of compressible fluid flow.



3   GS 227 Computer Programming II 26
Writing Computer Programs and Software Creation, Simulations and digital experimentation. Math lab. TRNSYS, EES, Fluent, SAM, ……etc…


3   GE 311 Numerical Analysis11 27
Numerical Heat Transfer and fluid flow: Introduction; Mathematical description of physical phenomena; Discretization methods; Heat conduction; Convection and diffusion; Calculation of the flow field.


3   GS 225 Organic Chemistry (+Lab) 28
1. Basic concepts of structure, stereochemistry, and reactivity of organic compounds. The chemistry of hydrocarbons and alcohols.

2. The chemistry of aromatic, carbonyl, and nitrogen compounds; characterization of organic substances by chemical and spectral methods; reaction mechanisms.

3. The chemistry of polyfunctional compounds of biological interest. Modern organic synthesis, bioorganic chemistry, and recent developments in organic chemistry.

Introductory Instrumental Analysis

An introduction to basic laboratory techniques in analytical chemistry and spectroscopy. Topics include infrared and UV-visible spectroscopy, gas and liquid chromatography, elemental and thermal analysis, simple X-ray diffraction, error analysis, and literature-searching techniques.


2   GE 313 Applied Fluid Mechanics 29
Flow and power transmission through pipes. Compressors, blowers, pumps and fans: characteristics and control. Hydraulic-turbine characteristics. Dimensional analysis of pumps and turbines. Equipment specifications, function and operation. Pneumatics of pressure and speed control. Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic bearings. Fluid coupling. Cavitations.


3   GE 314 Heat Transfer 30
Modes of heat transfer. Steady-state conduction in one and two dimensions. Introduction to unsteady-state conduction. Principles of convection. Empirical and practical relations for forced convection. Natural convection systems. Heat-exchange calculations. Introduction to Solar Radiation.



3   REE 315 Thermodynamics II 31
The Entropy Change of Ideal Gases ,Reversible Steady Flow Work , Minimizing the Compressor Work

Entropy Balance , Gas Power Cycles , The Carnot Cycle , Otto Cycle , Diesel Cycle , Stirling and Ericsson

Brayton Cycle and its Modifications , Rankein Cycle , The Ideal Reheat Rankine  Cycle , The Ideal Regenerative Rankine  Cycle , Combined Gas Vapor Power Cycles>


3   REE 222 Applied electronic 32
introduction to electronics , semiconductor materials device

DC-DC converter, Half wave rectifier, Full  wave rectifier

Analysis of diodes and application , Zener diode regulator

DC analysis of transistor operations (BJTs, MOSFETs),

Design Amplifier circuit  , Frequency response of Amplifiers circuit

Feedback  operatuin amplifiers and application , Design of power supply




2   REE228 Circuit lab 33
Diode characteristics , PSPICE simulation, BJT and MOS biasing circuits , Amplifier and its frequency response , Operation Amplifier Applications , DC-DC converter,   DC-AC inverters , Applied electronics .


3   REE 326 Solar Radiation 34
Review of heat transfer modes. Thermal radiation characteristics. Radiation characteristics of opaque materials, radiation through glazing absorbed radiation.

Introduction to solar radiation”. Extraterrestrial solar radiation, components of radiation, geometry of the earth and sun, geometry of collector and the solar beam, effects of the earth’s atmosphere, measurement of solar radiation, estimation of solar radiation.


3   REE 225 Electrical Machines13 35
Single-phase transformers: construction, operation, efficiency, regulation and testing. Auto-transformers and three-phase transformers. D.C.  machines: construction and operation. D.C. generators: e.m.f. equation, characteristics and voltage control. D.C. motors: types, characteristics, speed control, starters and controllers. Applications of d.c. machines. A.C. machines: construction, operation, characteristics and applications of alternators, synchronous motors and three-phase and single-phase induction motors.


3   REE 323 Signal  and control Engineering 36
Representation and analysis of signals. Fourier transforms. Linear time-invariant systems, impulse response, frequency response and transfer func-tion. Introduction to linear feedback control. Analysis and design of classical control systems. Control system components and industrial process automation.



2   GE 324 Energy Safety, Environment and  Sustainability 37
Introduction. Conventional energy sources versus alternative energy sources 1. Energy and environment2. Major environmental problems, Environmental impact and TES systems and applications. Potential solution to environmental problems. Sustainable development. Illustrative examples and case studies. Concluding remark.


3   REE 325 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration 38
Applications of refrigeration and air conditioning. Methods of refrigeration. Vapor-compression cycle. Multi-pressure systems. Compressors. Water-cooled and air-cooled condensers. Evaporators and refrigerants. Air-cycle refrigeration. Heating equipment. Psychometry. Heating. Cooling. Humidification and dehumidification. Cooling towers and evaporative condensers. Heating and cooling load calculations. Duct and piping specification and selection.


3   REE 513 Thermal Power Plant 39
Fuels for power stations. Fuel burners, boilers, economizers, super heaters. Heat exchangers, condensers, power generating equipment. Turbines, engines, cooling towers, load requirements and estimation. Economy of power stations. Types of power stations. Selection of power stations.

Boilers types. Boiler feed water. Economizers. Super-heaters. Air heaters. Boiler mountings. Steam pipes and feed pumps. Boiler instrumentation, records and controls. Boiler inspection, operation and maintenance. Steam traps, coils and jacket. Feed water fillers and steam separators. Fuel burners: controls and operation. Trouble-shooting and remedies. Condenser types. Cleansing and water treatment. Natural-draught cooling towers. Forced-draught cooling towers. Packaged unit cooling towers. Assemblies, inspection, operation and maintenance.


3   REE 312 Digital electronics 40
Introduction to Number Systems types: Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal.

Conversion from one number system to other

Binary arithmetic operations; Representation of Negative Numbers;1’s complement and 2’s complement, Complement arithmetic,

Digital Codes: BCD code,  Excess-3 code, Gray code, Binary to Excess -3 code conversion and vice versa, ASCII code, EBCIDIC

Logic Gates: Logical Operators, Logic Gates-Basic Gates, Other gates


Boolean Algebra: Rules and laws of Boolean algebra, Demorgan’s Theorems,

Simplification of Boolean Expressions, Techniques for Boolean Expressions using Karnaugh Map Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables;

Minterm and Maxterms, Canaonical representation of Boolean expressions, Duality Theorem

Combinational Circuits: Introduction to combinational Circuits, Adders-Half-Adder and Full-Adder.

Subtractors- Half and Full Subtractor; Parallel adder and Subtractor; Ripple Carry and Look-Ahead Carry Adders

Sequential Circuits: Introduction to Sequential Circuits, Flip-Flops: Types of Flip Flops -RS, T, D, JK; Triggering of Flip Flops

Shift Registers: Introduction to shift registers, Basic Shift Register Operations, types of shift registers, Bidirectional Shift Registers, Shift Register

Counters: Introduction to counters, Types of Counters-Asynchronous and synchronous counters, Up/Down Synchronous Counters.



3   REE 421 Water Desalination 41
Water supplies. Acceptable standards of water quality. Thermodynamic considerations in desalination. Distillation of water containing dissolved solids. Multi-stage flash distillation principles. Plant layout and construction. Heat transfer components. Pumps and auxiliaries. Plant operation. Control of scale and corrosion. Combined power water production. Solar distillation. Blending of desalinated water with raw water.



2   REE 515 Engineering Management 42
Administrative organizations with renewable energy systems: committees in management. Objective and long-term planning. Policies and decisions. Marketing and sales policies. Production, financial and personal policies. Management development. Production inventory systems and control forecasting and inventory. Scheduling and quality control.

Process planning renewable plant layout. Layout of physical facilities. Product analysis. Making or buying. Estimating and process selection. Process planning in non manufacturing activities. Cost comparison (optimization). Objective and subjective factors. Site selection. Capital expenditure. Multi-plant location. Warehouse and foreign locations. Capacity decision. Basic layout types. Process and product layouts. Service facilities. Plant building. Other layouts.



2   GE422 Engineering Economy and Renewable Energies 43
Types of costing. Methods of cost counting. Cost information in decision making. Capital investment, profitability and expansion. Capital projects. Economic evaluation. Leasing or buying. Replacement of product and equipment. The new solar economy concept. Introduction and details of solar economy.



3   REE 525 Fuel Cells 44
The course will cover basic principles of thermodynamics of fuel cells, chemical reaction engineering, electrochemical engineering and the development/design of major fuel cell types: Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), Direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC), Alkaline fuel cell (AFC),Urea Fuel Cells, molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC), solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), metal air fuel cells (MAFCs), and microbial fuel cells(MFCs). The electrodes and membrane materials will be also included for each type.


3   REE418 Measurement & Instrumentation 45
Measurement Uncertainty/Errors due to Environmental Inputs/Reduction of Systematic Errors/ Principles of Calibration/ Analogue Meters/ Digital Meters/ Oscilloscopes/ Resistance Measurement/Inductance Measurement/Capacitance Measurement/Current Measurement/Frequency Measurement/Phase Measurement/Sensor technologies /Temperature Measurement/Pressure Measurement/Flow Measurement/Level Measurement/Mass, Force, and Torque Measurement



3   REE416 Power Electronics 46
Signals ,Power electronic tools , Single-phase full-wave bridge rectifier , Three-phase full , wave bridge rectifier , Single Phase Half Wave Converter , Single Phase Full Wave Converter , Three Phase Half Wave Converter , Three Phase Full Wave Converter , Step Down DC Choppers , Step Up DC Choppers , AC Voltage Controllers , Single- Phase Bridge Inverter , Three- Phase Bridge Inverter.


3   REE 423 Solar Thermal Conversions 47
Introduction, calculation of heat balance: general remarks, unsheltered heaters, sheltered heaters, systems with separate storage, selective surfaces, flat plate collectors, evacuated tube collectors. Air heaters, crop driers, space heat, space cooling, water desalination, solar ponds, solar concentrators, electric power systems.


3   REE 524 Energy Storage for Renewables 48
Introduction to energy storage; importance of energy storage. Biological storage. Chemical storage Thermal energy storage: Long term (seasonal natural ground storage in caverns or in drilled underground heat exchangers), short term (daily fabricated storage tanks),  high temperature, low temperature, sensible heat (in rocks, concrete or solid metals and water or oil tanks), latent heat (Phase Change Materials PCMs) and cold storage (Ice tanks), Electrical energy storage: Lead acid batteries and alkaline batteries. Hydrogen production and fuel cells. Mechanical energy storage: compressed air or gas reservoirs, elevated tanks or reservoirs of water and flywheels.



3   REE 413 Wind Energy Conversion 49
Introduction. Turbine types and terms, linear momentum and basic theory, dynamic matching, stream tube theory, characteristics of the wind. Power extraction by a turbine, electricity generation, mechanical power. Total systems.

Introduction, The Wind Resource, Aerodynamics of Horizontal-axis Wind Turbines, Wind-turbine Performance, Design Loads for Horizontal-axis Wind Turbines, Conceptual Design of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines, Component Design, The Controller, Wind-turbine Installations and Wind Farms, Electrical Systems.



3   REE 415 Biomass Energy Conversion5 50
Introduction to Engineering Bio-Energy related aspects.

Introduction. Biomass Conversion Processes for Energy Recovery, Energy Recovery by Anaerobic Digestion, Power Generation, Bio-fuels. Bio-fuels classification. Biomass production for energy farming. Direct combustion for heat. Pyrolysis (destructive distillation). Further thermo-chemical  processes. Alcoholic fermentation. Anaerobic digestion for biogas. Agrochemical fuel extraction.



3   REE 425 Solar Techniques I 51
Introduction to solar energy collection technologies. Flat plate collectors, concentrating collectors, solar process loads, system thermal calculations, solar process economics. Applications: solar water heating – active and passive, building heating – active, industrial process heat, solar cooling, solar thermal power systems, solar ponds; evaporative process. Thermal design: simulations in process design, design of active systems by f-chart method, design of active systems by utilizability methods, design of photovoltaic systems.


3   REE 426 Solar Photovoltaic Conversion 52
Solar Photovoltaic Conversion

Photovoltaic Converters, Photovoltaic generation; PV Generator Characteristics and Models; the silicon p-n junction, photon absorption, solar radiation input, Photovoltaic circuit properties and loads, limits to cell efficiency, Cell Temperature, solar cell concentration, types and adaptations of photovoltaic. Other types of photoelectric and thermoelectric generation. Controls; Load Characteristics and Direct-Coupled Systems, Maximum Power Point Trackers, Applications, Design Procedures, High-flux PV Generators.


2   REE 511 Research Methodology 53
The first part of the final project must include theoretical formulation of an engineering problem related to one of the following areas: the power generation from either solar, wind, biomass energy sources, the renewable energy utilization in domestic, commercial or industrial applications, the renewable energy storage or hydrogen production techniques, the passive use of solar energy. The project may rely on thermal analysis of systems or thermo-economical optimization. The environmental impact of any application of renewable energy utilization must be included in the project text. Each student must have a staff member from the (REED) as an advisor to help and guide him through the process of the first and second parts of the final project.




3   REE 512 Hydrogen Technologies 54
Introduction, Properties of Hydrogen, Hydrogen Production Methods, Hydrogen Storage, Liquid Hydrogen, Hydrogen Transport and Distribution, Hydrogen Conversion Technologies and Hydrogen Safety.




3   REE 523 Solar Techniques II 55
Introduction to Solar Thermal Power Plants, Dish Stirling Systems, Parabolic Trough Collectors, Central Receiver, High Temperature Heat Storage for Solar Power Plants, Thermodynamics of Solar Thermal Power Plants, Site Selection, Project Development.



3   REE 522 Passive Solar Techniques 56
Introduction to solar passive technology. Solar usability: introduction; internal gains, simulation studies with an ideal heating system. Simulation studies with actual heating systems. Solar heating: direct gain systems, air collector systems, air flow windows. mass wall systems, transparent insulation systems, absorber walls, storage systems. Day-lighting: classification of strategies (classical day-lighting strategies, new day-lighting strategies) , examples, detailed results, analysis tools. Conclusions. Cooling: introduction. Strategies; solar radiation control, heat avoidance, internal gains reduction and natural cooling. Atria: Introduction. Typology, case studies, examples, design insights (heating and cooling strategies). Atrium analysis tools.

Applications: building heating; passive and hybrid methods, passive cooling, design of passive and hybrid heating systems.


3   REE 514 Microcontroller  Systems 57
Microcontroller and Embedded Processors /PIC Microcontroller / PIC Architecture And

Assembly Language Programming / Branch, Call and Time Delay Loop /PIC I/O Port

Programming / Arithmetic, logic Instruction and programs / Bank Switching, Table processing, Macros and Modules.




1   REE 313 Digital Electronics Lab 58
Verify the truth table  of basic logic gates

Verify the operation of compound logic

Design and construct  half and full adder and subtractor using logic gates

Verify the operation of all type of flip flop

Design and construct counters  using flip flop

Design and construct shift registers using flip flop


4 (****) REE 521 Graduation Project 59
(****)   This project must be introduced by the student who achieved minimum of 148 units.

The second part of the final project must be a continuity of the first part; where the chosen subject has to be brought to the practical stage. For example; when the student chose to deal with the solar thermal conversion to produce electrical energy by Central Receiver Solar Power Plant); he must collect as possible all the information available in the technical literature about. Then, he should define and analyzed certain engineering problem within this field.  The next step, the student should come with an engineering technical proposal to solve the problem. The following step, is to show the solution steps practically, either by simulation or using lab equipment or if possible in the field. The project report would be written by the student to present in one volume all the previously described steps with the final conclusions. A committee from various staff members in based on the department decision will organize a meeting and presentation for discussion to expose the project subject and its outcomes and to confirm the student eligibility of Bachelor of Sciences (BSc.)




1   REE 327 Electrical Engineering Lab 47
Electrical loads, Power in single phase AC circuits, Complex power flow, Balanced Three Phase Circuits.

Single Phase Transmission Line, Real and Reactive Power.

Concept of complex power, Line Models and Performance. Power transmission capability.

Line Compensations. Shunt Reactors, Shunt Capacitors, Series Capacitors. Line Performance Program.

Power Flow Analysis, Bus Admittance matrix, Power Flow Program,

Power flow Control, Megawatt frequency (P-f) interaction. Megavar- voltage Q-V interaction




3   REE 425 Electrical Power Distribution systems 47
Introduction to power system  network . Libyan  network(Power stations, transmission ,distribution)

The Distribution System: Description

Distribution System Considerations

Load Characteristics

Voltage Requirements

The Primary System-The Secondary System,

Application of Distribution Transformers

Overhead lines and underground cables

Distribution System Protection






1   REE 321 Thermal Energy Laboratory 47
التعرف على معمل منظومات الطاقة الحرارية

تجارب الديناميكا الحرارية

تجارب انتقال الحرارة

تجارب ميكانيكا الموائع

تجارب الغلايات و مولدات البخار

تجارب التربينات البخارية

تجارب التربينات الغازية

تجارب المبادلات الحرارية

تجارب أبراج التبريد و المكثفات

تجارب أجهزة التحكم

تجارب القدرة الحرارية العاملة بالإحتراق الداخلي

تجارب محطات القدرة حرارية العاملة بالطاقة الشمسية

تجارب الصوتيات و التحكم في الضجيج








3   REE 322 Electrical Power Engineering 47
The electric power system. Major components: induction and synchronous machines, power transformers and connections, transmission. Analysis: balanced and unbalanced three-phase systems, symmetrical components, load flow. Operation: frequency control, steady state and transient generator stability, voltage collapse, thermal constraints. Variable speed drives, power quality.



1   REE 323 Signal  and control Engineering 47
Electrical loads, Power in single phase AC circuits, Complex power flow, Balanced Three Phase Circuits.

Single Phase Transmission Line, Real and Reactive Power.

Concept of complex power, Line Models and Performance. Power transmission capability.

Line Compensations. Shunt Reactors, Shunt Capacitors, Series Capacitors. Line Performance Program.

Power Flow Analysis, Bus Admittance matrix, Power Flow Program,

Power flow Control, Megawatt frequency (P-f) interaction. Megavar- voltage Q-V interaction