توصيف المقررات

توصيف المقررات


Materials and Corrosion Engineering Department

Course Descriptions



GE212Strength of Materials

  1. Concept of stress
  2. Axial loading, normal stress, shear stress
  3. Components of stress, ultimate and allowable stress
  4. Concept of strain
  5. Normal strain under axial loading, stress and strain diagram
  6. Hook’s law, modulus of elasticity
  7. Elastic and plastic behaviour of materials, Poisson’s ratio
  8. Stress and strain distribution under axial loading
  9. Torsion, stress in shaft, stress in elastic region
  10. Pure bending, stress in pure bending
  11. Bending of members made of several materials
  12. Transformation of stress and strain
  13. Transformation of plane stress
  14. Moher’s circle for plane strain


MTE 225 Introductions to Materials Science

  1. Classes of engineering materials
  2. Symmetry – crystal systems
  3. Important metals and ionic crystals
  4. Lattice direction and planes
  5. Defect of crystal patterns
  6. Solid solution
  7. Diffusion in solids
  8. Point defect, linear defects and surface defects
  9. Properties of single phase materials
  10. Elastic behaviour
  11. Anisotropy of elastic limit
  12. Creep, fatigue and fracture
  13.  Corrosion of metallic materials
  14. Ceramics and polymer


MTE312Physical Metallurgy (I)

  1. Crystal structure, imperfection, voids, stacking sequence,
  2. Plastic deformation and annealing, recovery, recrystallization, grain growth
  3. Solid solution, humepothery rules
  4. Binary phase diagrams, miscibility, eutectic, eutectoid, pertitectic phase diagrams
  5. Fe-C systems, structure of steel, cast iron, heat treatment, grading and classification of steel
  6. Solidification of metals, thermodynamics, kinetics, and casting defects


MTE313Mechanical Properties of Metals         

  1. Stress and strain principles and relationship
  2. State of stress, State of strain in 2D and 3D, deformation of single crystal
  3. Dislocation concepts
  4. Introduction of theory of plasticity
  5. Strengthening mechanisms
  6. Tensile test,
  7. Compression test
  8. Hardness test
  9. Impact test
  10. Shear test
  11. Fatigue test

MTE321 Physical Metallurgy II

  1. Diffusion in substitutional solid solutions and interstitial solid solution
  2. Theories of phase transformation
  3. Phase transformation of steel on heating, eutectoid transformation, binaite transformation, transformation associated with steel tempering.
  4. Heat treatment of metals and alloys
  5. Chemical thermal treatment of metal and alloys


MTE322 Polymeric Materials

  1. Introduction, definition, classification, bonding, general physical properties
  2. Viscoelasticity models
  3. Design methodology
  4. Melt rheology (I) & (II), properties of polymer melts & types of flow
  5. Shaping methods of polymers
  6. Fiber& elastomers technologies
  7. Reinforcements & polymeric composites
  8. Processing – property interactions
  9. MTE323 (1) CORROSION PRINCIPLE                          Credits:3

The Technology and Evaluation of Corrosion:

Signification of Corrosion, Cost of corrosion, Corrosion definition, Electrochemical nature of aqueous corrosion, Corrosion rate determination, Corrosion forms principles.

Electro-chemical Thermodynamics and Electrode potential:

Electrode potential / PH (Pourbaix) diagrams, Experimental measurements.

Electro-chemical kinetics of corrosion:

Faradays law, Exchange current density, Electrochemical polarization, Mixed potential theory, Experimental polarization curves, Instrumentation and Experimental procedures.


Passive films, Active-passive corrosion behavior, Oxidizer-concentration effects, Solution velocity effects, Criterion of passivation, Experimental apparatus and procedures, Galvanic statics anodic polarization of active-passive alloys, Potentio-static and potentio-dynamics procedures, Variables affecting anodic polarization curves, Application of potentio- static anodic polarization, Anodic polarization, Properties of passive films.

Polarization Methods to Measure Corrosion Rate:

Tafel exploration, Polarization resistance method, Instrumentation method for polarization resistance, Commercial corrosion-monitoring probes, Error and polarization resistance measurements, Other methods to determine polarization resistance.

  1. The importance of corrosion science and engineering
  2. Corrosion classification
  3. Principles of electrochemical and electro-reactions
  4. Principles of thermodynamics and tendency of metal to corrosion
  5. Rate reactions
  6. Types of aqueous corrosion
  7. Pitting corrosion, galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion, soils and atmospheric corrosion, microbiological corrosion.
  8. Measurement of corrosion control


MTE326 Ceramics

  1. Introduction; ceramic materials in relation to metals and polymers (interatomic spacing and bonding, crystal structures, imperfections)
  2. Glass; structure, composition transformation range, crystallization
  3. Surfaces and interfaces; adsorption, ion exchange, interfacial energies
  4. Ceramic phase diagrams
  5. Structural ceramics and abrasives


Galvanic and Concentration Cell Corrosion:

Engineering aspects; Recognition, Galvanic series, Area affects, Fundamental aspects; Corroding metal-insert couple, Effect of exchange current density, Effect of surface area, Corroding metal-corroding couple, Experimental measurements; Polarization in galvanic couples, Zero-resistance ammeters, Galvanic current by polarization resistance, Determining of galvanic corrosion; Galvanic-current diagrams, Galvanic-passivation of titanium, Current and potential distribution, Concentration cells; Differential aeration cells, Partial immersion cells waterline, Full immersion cells.

Pitting and Crevice Corrosion:

Examination and Evaluation; Conditions causing pitting and crevice corrosion, Evaluation of crevice corrosion, Mechanism of pitting corrosion, Mechanism of crevice corrosion, Other forms of crevice corrosion, Pitting under localized deposits.

Environmentally Induced Cracking:

Characteristics of Stress Corrosion Cracking, Characteristic of Corrosion Fatigue Cracking, Characteristic of hydrogen- induced cracking, Typical cases of stress corrosion cracking, Testing methods, Proposed mechanisms of stress corrosion cracking.

Effect of Metallurgical Structure on Corrosion:

Intergranualar corrosion of Austentic stainless steels, Intergranualar corrosion of other alloy, Factors affecting weldement corrosion, Weldement corrosion of various alloy systems, Dealloying and dezincification.

Corrosion-Related Damage by Hydrogen, Erosion and Wear:

Hydrogen damage, Cavitation, erosion corrosion, Fretting, Erosive and corrosion wear.

Corrosion in Selected Corrosive Environments:

Water and aqueous solution, Biological influenced corrosion, Soils, concrete, Acid process streams, Alkaline process streams.

Atmospheric Corrosion and Evaluated Temperature Oxidation:

Atmospheric corrosion; Atmospheric parameter affecting corrosion, Weathering steels, Electrochemical mechanism, Oxidation and evaluated temperatures; Oxidation reactions, Thermodynamics of oxidation, Oxide structure, Oxide-film growth processes, Oxide properties, Pitting- bed worth ratio, Oxidation rate; parabolic rate law, Oxidizing service environments.


MTE412 Heat Treatment     

  1. Introduction (hardening and annealing, grain structures
  2. Types of heat treatment; (normalizing, case hardening, precipitation hardening, tempering, quenching)
  3. Time-Temperature-Transformation TTT diagram for steel
  4. Strain hardening process
  5. Case hardening process (flame or induction hardening, nitriding, carbonizing, cyaniding, carbonitriding, steel chemical treatment, shot pinning)
  6. Tempering (isothermal heat treatment)
  7. Thermo mechanical treatment
  8. Quenching ( heat treatment of cast iron,
  9. Heat treatment of non-ferrous metals
  10. Surface treatment of aluminium
  11. Anodizing of aluminium alloys
  12. Heat treatment of special steels (high strength steel, boron steel, ultra high strength steel, martensitic stainless steel, tool steels, structural steel)




MTE413 Metallography Experimental Lab.

  1. Mechanical testing of materials
  • To be able to extract data from engineering stress-strain curves
  • To demonstrate the difference in behaviour between different types of materials
  • To be exposed to a range of mechanical tests (Tensile, Compression, Hardness, Impact, Bending, Fatigue)
  1. Heat Treatment
  • Annealing
  • Normalizing
  • Tempering
  • Quenching
  • Construction of phase diagram from cooling curves
  • To construct the equilibrium phase diagram of a binary system using the cooling curves of different alloy composition in the system
  1. Hardening and recrystallization of metals
  • To demonstrate the hardening resulting from the process of solute atoms, or cold working of an alloy
  1. Construction of phase diagram from cooling curves
  • To construct the equilibrium phase diagram of a binary system using the cooling curves of different alloy composition in the system
  1. Determination of cooling curves of alloys
  • To get acquainted with pyro metric techniques and the characteristic cooling curves of different types of alloy compositions.



MTE415 Powder Metallurgy

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of Powder Metallurgy
  3. Definitions, Applications, Limitations
  4.  Engineering Powders
  5. Classification of powders
  6. Particle’s Properties
  7. Production of Metallic Powders
  8. Powder Metallurgy Process ( Blending and Mixing, Compaction, Sintering, Finishing Operations)
  9. Design Considerations in Powder Metallurgy

MTE416 Welding Metallurgy

  1. Basic welding processes (gas, arc, laser-beam, electron-beam welding)
  2. Heat and fluid flow during welding
  3. Chemical reactions
  4. Residual stresses and distortion
  5. Weld metal solidification (grain structure, subgrain structure, microsegregation, macrosegregation, porosity, inclusions, and cracking)
  6. Partially melted zone (liquidation and cracking)
  7. Heat-affected zone (loss of strength, embrittlement and cracking in work-hardened materials, precipitation-hardening materials, transformation-hardening materials and corrosion-resistant materials)






MTE419 Materials Engineering Lab

  1. Mechanical Testing Of Materials
  • To be exposed to a range of mechanical tests (Tensile, Compression, Hardness, Impact, Bending, Fatigue)
  • To be able to extract data from engineering stress-strain curves
  • To demonstrate the difference in behaviour between different types of materials
  1. Microstructure analysis
  • Preparation of specimens (Grinding, Polishing, Etching etc.)
  • To get familiar with some grain size parameter determination techniques
  • Using optical microscope to examine the microstructure of metals (grain size, grain boundaries, etc.).

MTE420X-Ray Diffraction  

  1. Properties of x-rays, electromagnetic riadation, continuous spectrum, absorption, filters, production of x-rays, detection and safety.
  2. Crystal structure, planes and directions, atomic size and coordination’s, stereographic projection
  3. Diffraction, Bragg’ law, diffraction methods, diffraction under non ideal condition
  4. Scattering by and electron, atom and unit cell, structure factor, multi ficity factor, Lorentz factor, absorption factor, temperature factor, intensive of powder diffraction pattern
  5. Debyischerrer method, Laue method, diffractometer, preparation counter,jeijer counter, sciltillation counter,
  6. Deformation of crystal strcture, indexing of powder pattern, effect of cell distortion
  7. Determination of precisc lattice parameter, method of last squares
  8. Phase diagram determination, parametrtic and disappearing phase method
  9. Qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis
  10. Stress measurement of its application
  11. Electron and nertron diffraction and its applications

MTE423 Composite Materials

  1. introduction
  2. review of all classes of engineering materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, elastomers, composites)
  3. review of mechanical properties (strength, hardness, fatigue, toughness, creep, thermal shock resistance, wear, corrosion)
  4. composite definition, classification, prediction of mechanical properties
  5. reinforcement and reinforcement – matrix interface
  6. types of composite (metal matrix composite, ceramic matrix composite, polymer matrix composite)
  7. fracture and toughening mechanics, energy analysis, local stresses, fracture initiation, impact
  8. joining


MTE424 Extractive Metallurgy

  1. Mineral dressing, beneficiation
  2. Ore preparation
  3. Production of metal oxides, smelting
  4. Hydrometallurgy
  5. Electrometallurgy
  6. Refining process
  7. Mass and energy balance


MTE425 Engineering Alloys

  1. Classification of engineering materials
  2. Structural steel, tool steels, essential alloying elements in tool steel, heat treatment of tool steel
  3. Rules of structure and heat treatment, weldability
  4. Wear processes, wear resistance alloys, friction resistance materials, high temperature resistance materials and alloys
  5. Nickel alloys, stainless steel, cooper alloys, aluminium alloys, while alloys
  6. Materials with specific electrical properties, magnetic materials.

MTE 426 Metal Shaping

  1. Metal casting; casting alloys, fluidity in casting, solidification characteristics, casting defects (e.g. shrinkages, porosities), macro and microstructure of casting
  2. Casting process, sand casting; design and requirements, sand molding, gating systems, cast inspection
  3. Fundamentals of metal working; classification of forming processes, mechanics of metal working, static equilibrium of forces, methods of analysis (slab – uniform deformation energy – slip line field)
  4. Forging processes; classification, equipments, forging in plane stain, open and close die forging, forging defects
  5. Rolling of metals; classification, equipments, hot and cold rolling, rolling defects
  6. Extrusion; classification, equipments, hot extrusion, lubrication and defects
  7. Wire and tube drawing; drawing processes, analysis of wire and tube drawing

MTE511Research Methodology    

  1. Writing technical report, report preparation and presentation
  2. Presentation of B.Sc. project literature review and project layout plan

MTE512 Steel Making

  1. Introduction of steel making (irons, steels, iron phase diagram, steel types)
  2. Iron manufacturing processes
  3. Steel making process; (basic oxygen furnace technique)
  4. Steel making process; (electrical arc furnace technique)
  5. Principles reactions of steels making processes
  6. Thermodynamic aspects of steel making
  7. Thermo-chemical properties of gases in steel making; ( properties of molten steel, properties of molten slags)

MTE513 Fracture Mechanisms &Failure Analysis    

Part 1:

  1. Ductile and brittle fracture
  2. Griffith theory of brittle fracture
  3. Ductile to brittle transition temperature
  4. Mode of cracking propagation
  5. Linear elastic fracture mechanisms
  6. Stress intensity factor
  7. Plane strain and plane stress fracture toughness
  8. Plastic zone size estimation
  9. Determination of fracture toughness
  10. Correlation of impact energy to fracture toughness
  11. Factor affecting fracture toughness
  12. Ways to improve fracture toughness

Part 2:

  1. Definition of failure
  2. Premature failure
  3. Catastrophic failure
  4. Fracturegraphy
  5. Fundamental source of failure
  6. Procedures for conducting failure analysis
  7. Failure analysis report
  8. Overload failure, elevated temperature failure
  9. Corrosion fatigue
  10. Wear and lubricant



Cathodic Protection:

Principle and Application, Impressed current cathodic protection, Scarification-anode cathodic protection, coatings and catholic protection, Cathodic alkalinity, Controlled-potential cathodic protection, Comparison with anodic protection, Design factors; Potential gradients, Rectifiers, Current and Potential distributions on the protect structure, Cathodic protection criteria, Electrochemical basis for cathodic protection criteria, Current requirements, Impressed current anodes, Scarification anodes, Stray current corrosion, Monitoring and design procedure; Field- potential measurement, Monitoring in sea water, Monitoring in soil, Design procedure.

Coating and Inhibitors:

Liquid –Applied Organic Coatings; Classification and uses, Surface preparation, Exposure testing and Evaluation, Degradation and Failure mechanisms, Electrochemical testing, tick Non-metallic Coatings; insert liners, Porcelain enamels, Pipeline coatings, Metallic coatings; Hot-dip zinc and Aluminum, Electroplated chromium and other metals, Cladding inhibitors; Applications, Electrochemical behavior, Fundamentals of inhibitor function, vapor-phase inhibitors.

Material Selection and Design:

Alloy selection; carbon and low alloy steels, stainless steels, Nickel alloys, Copper alloys, aluminum alloys, Design to prevent corrosion; Important of design, Consideration affecting design, Corrosion-prevention measures, Economics of corrosion preventions; Significance, Discounted cash flow, Generalized equations, Examples of DCF calculations.



MTE 515 Nano materials

  1. Introduction to nano materials
  2. Carbon nano tubes (types, synthesis, general properties, hybrids of carbon nano tubes, functionalization of carbon nano tubes)
  3. Nano particles (definitions, properties, functionalization, applications)
  4. Nano composites; (definitions, types, properties, applications)
  5. Nano catalysis ( definitions, adsorption process, types, applications)
  6. Mechanical properties of nano structures
  7. Characterization of Nano structures; ( atomic force microscope, scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope, Raman spectroscopy)

MTE516 N.D.T

  1. Introduction; types of defects in metal forming methods, their effect on mechanical properties and need for N.D.T
  2. Visual aids; boroscopes, toboscope and their use in testing
  3. Liquid penetrant methods; principles, equipments of dye and fluorescent methods, application and their limitation, examples of such use in industry
  4. Magnetic methods; magnetic particles technique, magnetization and its principle, limitations, examples in industry.
  5. X-ray radiography ; geometrical factors, principles and industrial radiography practice, technique charts, penetrators, weld radiography, casting radiography, fine, radiography, reference radiography, neutron radiography, examples in industry
  6. Ultrasonic; types of waves, wave velocity, beam spreading, refraction, mode conversion, attenuation, wave production, equipments different probe, weld tubes, axles, shafts.
  7. Gamma radiography ; fundamentals of radioactivity, decay, absorption, Y-ray source, flims for x-ray radiography, safety, film protection, handling, storage and transportation, equipment and example in industry.
  8. Thickness measurements
  9. Eddy current methods
  10. Thermal methods

MTE523 Materials Selection

  1. Brief introduction to metallic, polymeric, ceramic and composite materials
  2. Properties & selection relationship
  3. Materials identification & designation
  4. Degradation & stability of materials
  5. Materials & fabrication selection
  6. Economic analysis in materials selection
  7. Economic evaluation of materials, processes & project
  8. Quantitative and non-quantitative methods of selection
  9. Case studies of selection



  • The atmosphere,
  • Natural and sea waters,
  • Soil in the corrosion process,
  • The microbiology of corrosion,
  • Effect of concentration, Velocity and temperature,
  • Corrosion testing.



  1. Corrosion Testing
  • Electroplating
  • Cathodic
  • Anodic
  • Impedance
  • Corrosion Cell


  1. Surface Measurement
  • Surface Roughness (Ra and Rz)
  • Surface Wettability