Evaluation of On-Street Car Parking on El-Wasea Street in Sebha – Libya

Ahmed M. Alhodairi (1)
(1) , Libya


On-Street parking characterizes most urban streets, especially in the urban centers where it is considered an attractive facility for drivers. However, inappropriate on-street parking could adversely affect the capacity and the driving speeds of the adjacent road and can cause severe delays, especially on busy roads. In addition, it can pose danger to the safety of road users if not managed properly. This paper tries to study and analyze the car parking on El-Wasea Street in Sebha city, and its impact on traffic behavior. The study reveals that parking on the street does not follow any kind of order, parking spaces are not appropriately provided for parking, and in some places along the street parking took parts of traffic lanes endangering traffic safety, especially during peak hours. The paper included some recommendations on how to rearrange the On-street parking on El-Wasea Street, which is expected to solve parking of cars, or at least mitigate, the adverse impacts of parking on the traffic movement on the street. 

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Ahmed M. Alhodairi
ahm.alhodiri@sebhau.edu.ly (Primary Contact)
Ahmed M. Alhodairi. (2022). Evaluation of On-Street Car Parking on El-Wasea Street in Sebha – Libya. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(4), 40–44. https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v21i4.2123

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