An Exploratory Data Analysis of Breast Cancer Features in South of Libya

Asma Agaal (1) , Mansour Essgaer (2)
(1) , Libya ,
(2) , Libya


Exploratory data analysis is a data visualization approach used to extract knowledge from raw data. This approach can be applied to medical data to improve healthcare providers services.  In recent years, breast cancer has become more common in women and requires effective procedures to detect it in the early stage. In this context, breast cancer patients' data were collected from the Sebha oncology center through their routine blood tests. The exploratory data analysis technique is used in this study to better analyze the patients' markers. The analysis aims to discover prominent bio and tumor markers that can assist in determining whether a tumor is benign or malignant. Several statistical and visualizations methods are used. The results show that the most effective markers that may be used as cancer predictors are: Cancer Antigen-15.3, Carcinoma Embryonic Antigen, White Blood Cells, Blood platelets, and Albumin. These findings are consistent with the findings of Sebha oncology center specialists. which may eventually aid in their cancer diagnosis.

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Asma Agaal (Primary Contact)
Mansour Essgaer
Asma Agaal, & Mansour Essgaer. (2022). An Exploratory Data Analysis of Breast Cancer Features in South of Libya . Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(4), 57–64.

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