Eighteen Years of Sebha University Publication Productivity: below the expectations

Mansour Essgaer (1)
(1) , Libya


The purpose of this study is to analyze Sebha University publication productivity in all scientific fields in four well known research databases (CrossRef, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, and Elsevier Scopus), from the beginning of millennia until 2018. The study measures various aspects of the publications productivity, such as the citation patterns, the sum of citation counts across all papers, average number of citations per year, average number of citations per author, average number of papers per author, average number of authors per paper, distribution of article by year, authorship patterns, authors’ degree of collaboration, distribution of citations by faculty, distributions of publication by subject, type of publication, and length of publication. The results confirm that the research productivity in the humanities fields is limited when compared to applied sciences regarding the respected databases. Moreover, the results reveal that the faculty of science is leading the publication productivity, followed by faculty of engineering science, then faculty of medicine, and lastly, faculty of dentistry. The study concluded with several recommendations to apply a catch-up strategy to increase the university research productivity. Bibliometric studies on the scientific fields for Sebha University are not available. Therefore, the originality of this study resides in being the first study to measure the publication productivity of Sebha University.

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Mansour Essgaer
man.essgaer@sebhau.edu.ly (Primary Contact)
منصور الصغير. (2022). Eighteen Years of Sebha University Publication Productivity: below the expectations. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(4), 92–103. https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v21i4.2133

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