Corona pandemic between political and moral influence

Belkaroui Jamila (1)
(1) , Libya


This paper aims to understand the Corona pandemic as a public event, given that it invaded the globe, and left visible, material and economic effects visible and present, while its political and moral effects are either from the time such as exposing the failure of health policy in most Arab countries or postponed, and we expect their occurrence in the future and its repercussions on Societies individually or on the whole society, and we highlight in particular the quality of international relations, some of which foreshadow the birth of new alliances based on cooperation and synergies, while others foreshadow the severing of relationships we thought were strong, but from the ethics side we monitor the new values ​​that the pandemic made in our societies made us acknowledge our differences From the rest of the worlds. That is why we have combined in our paper between two levels: the first analytical is the phenomenon of corona and its implications of the phenomenon as we show the effect of the precautionary and preventive measures imposed by each country on their societies and the second critical we stand on its political and moral effects and their impact on international relations and obligations, as we monitor the exploitation of some movements and groups. The political phenomenon of Corona, and we focus especially on some blogs on social media and some fatwas that took advantage of the political vacuum to prove the existence of its group, and this is what turns us into sub-problems. Therefore, we seek to raise a number of the problems that the phenomenon calls for in theory and practice, and accordingly we raise the following problematic questions: What are the effects of the precautionary measures of the Corona pandemic, which was decided by the Salt? What are its effects as an emergency situation and a force majeure? 

جميلة بالقروي. (2020). Corona pandemic between political and moral influence. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 19(6), 92–104.

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