Given the exceptionalism of the stage, the limited tools, and the lack of awareness of e-learning technologies and legislation, whether simultaneous or asynchronous, and based on the responsibility of universities in the renaissance of societies and discussing its issues and problems, the urgent need for this conference (the Virtual International Conference for E-Learning) came. And since Sebha University is one of the educational metropolises of Libya and the nucleus of the south vibrant with knowledge and experience, on the basis of the foregoing, the university seeks to organize a virtual conference on e-learning to bridge the gap, bridge the gap, bridging viewpoints, and find appropriate technical solutions facing educational institutions in Libya and other countries, especially in this regard. Circumstances, as well as increasing awareness of its benefits in the short and long term on the educational process, as well as seeking to crystallize the opinions of specialists to enact and put in place legislation in force that contribute to setting controls to regulate e-learning.