Using the receiver operator feature to enhance the accuracy and recall of algorithm and regression for breast cancer diagnosis

استخدام خاصية مشغل المستقبل لتعزيز دقة واستدعاء الخوارزمية والانحدار لتشخيص سرطان الثدي

Using the receiver operator feature to enhance the accuracy and recall of algorithm and regression for breast cancer diagnosis

A recently published scientific research (2023) by Professor Asmaa Aqeel and others, who is a graduate student at the College of Science, Computer Department – Sebha University. This study aimed to use the receiver operator feature to enhance the accuracy and recall of algorithm and regression for breast cancer diagnosis; This method enhanced the predictability of misclassified samples by 10%, From 89% to 99%.

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The title of the paper

Application of Classification and Regression Tree and Spectral Clustering to Breast Cancer Prediction: Optimizing the Precision-Recall Trade-Off

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