Faculty Affairs Administration

The Faculty Affairs administration specializes in everything related to faculty members, and takes the necessary actions to overcome any difficulties they face, enabling them to fulfill their educational and research duties to the fullest.

Dr. Taha Ibrahim Ali Abdullah is The Director of the Faculty Affairs administration at Sebha University.

This administration carries out its tasks through the following offices:

  • Office of National Faculty Members Affairs
  • Office of Non-National Faculty Members Affairs
  • Office of Faculty Housing
  • The Office of National Faculty Affairs is responsible for the following:

    1- Attending to the affairs of national faculty members, addressing any difficulties they face, and proposing principles and regulations to assist them in fulfilling their academic duties and responsibilities.

    2- Monitoring the scientific activities of national faculty members, preparing reports on their studies and research, and facilitating the evaluation process.

    3- Organizing the participation of national faculty members in seminars and scientific conferences within Libya and abroad.

    4- Managing the recruitment and administration of national faculty members from outside the university for teaching and training purposes.

    5- Establishing the official staffing structure for faculty members.

    6- Archiving the primary files of faculty members and all matters related to faculty members, with the creation of sub-files for each faculty.



  • The Office of Non-National Faculty Affairs is responsible for the following:

    1- Managing the contracts of non-national faculty members, including the procedures for their signing, evaluating their academic and teaching performance, and preparing necessary reports about them.

    2- Taking necessary measures to receive and welcome visiting professors and examiners, facilitate their stay, and provide assistance for their academic tasks.

    3- Monitoring the scientific activities of non-national faculty members, preparing reports on their studies and research, and assessing their work.

    4- Organizing the participation of non-national faculty members in domestic and international seminars and conferences.

    5- Maintaining the essential files of non-national faculty members from outside the university, handling the recruitment processes for their teaching and training activities.

  • The Office of Faculty Housing is responsible for the following:

    1- Providing and equipping suitable housing for faculty members, enabling them to settle down and create a conducive academic environment for research and creativity.

    2- Welcoming faculty members to university housing and facilitating their residence according to the regulations set by the university.

    3- Supervising university housing, monitoring maintenance work, and reporting any malfunctions or defects to the appropriate university authority for repair.

    4- Developing necessary studies and programs aimed at providing adequate housing for faculty members.

    5- Communicating and coordinating with relevant authorities regarding the acquisition of land plots or housing units for distribution among faculty members, in accordance with regulations and conditions set by the university.

The Faculty Affairs Management at Sebha University is pleased to provide the university community with a guide outlining the procedures for faculty members at the university. This guide aims to facilitate administrative work and expedite procedures for those contracted with the university. It has been ensured that the guide contains all the necessary information and forms, making it easy for readers to understand the procedures. As this guide is the first of its kind, we invite all faculty members to provide us with their comments and additions to achieve better quality for this management.