Specialisation Guide

Selection Criteria for a Specialisation

Registration and Admission Department at the General Registrar’s Office

    • Students are accepted into Sebha University according to the program prepared for the university level of study, in the scientific departments of the faculty they intend to study in.
    • The student should review the study plan in the department before registering, or when applying for admission to the university.
    • The student chooses the required specialization directly upon admission or after passing the general courses according to the faculty program and after meeting the minimum academic requirements.
    • Sebha University operates a competitive admissions system between applicants either through entrance exams or passing designated courses.
    • Meeting the minimum requirements and general course requirements does not necessarily guarantee acceptance into the desired specialization.
    • The academic department approves the student’s specialization request based on its absorptive capacity.
  • Studying at least half of the credited study hours is required to obtain a degree in any specialization in the scientific departments affiliated with
    Sebha University.

Students are accepted and enrolled according to the following categories:

  • Regular students, including all full-time students.
  •  Foreign students, who are non-Libyan students who are granted study seats, and their acceptance is made by a decision of the Ministry of Higher Education.

NumberingAcademic DisciplinesEntry Requirements 1Entry Requirements 2Overall PercentageGeneral ConditionsEntrance ExaminationDifferential Examination
1Faculties of EducationGeneral Secondary Certificate (Science)General Secondary Certificate (Arts)65The student is accepted upon meeting the conditions set by the faculty.NoNo
2Faculty of ScienceGeneral Secondary Certificate (Science)General Secondary Certificate (Science)65The student is accepted upon meeting the conditions set by the faculty.NoNo
3Faculties of EngineeringGeneral Secondary Certificate (Science)General Secondary Certificate (Science)75The student is accepted upon meeting the conditions set by the faculty.NoNo
4Faculties of MedicineGeneral Secondary Certificate (Science)General Secondary Certificate (Science)85The student is accepted upon meeting the conditions set by the faculty.YesYes