Oral Health and Dental Surgery Clinic

Oral Health and Dental Surgery Clinic

The clinic hosts many experts in the field of Dentistry, in various fields, including prosthetics, specifically in (nerve-filling treatment).

The clinic of oral and Dental Medicine and surgery has two Clinic complexes:

Clinic Complex of the Faculty of oral and Dental Medicine and surgery :
The Polyclinic complex was founded in 2003 and consists of:

Radiology department (imaging room with its devices + acidification room) the clinic has four dental imaging devices, and there is also a regular panorama.
. The diagnostic department is a hall with 3 chairs of the Cafu type (German), used to detect patients and also has sterilization devices.
The operating room is small and contains a chair of the Antos type (Italian).
The main hall, which contains a number of 24 Antos-type chairs of different models (A3 – – A6), knowing that four of these chairs (A5 ) were installed in 2012, after a modification of the hall in 2016, 12 chairs were installed, and they are divided into sections as follows:
– Fixed and movable fittings department: there are 3 dental chairs, in good condition.
– Stuffing Department : Hall 1 : 4 chairs: 2 Italian and 2 Chinese in good condition.
– Packing department: Hall 2 :there are 6 chairs.
– Filling Department : Hall 3: there are two Italian chairs in it
– Fixed and movable fixtures section:there are 3 chairs.
– Sterilization chamber: the introduction of this chamber at the beginning of 2019 .
– Tool and supply cleaning room
– Maintenance department: a room has been allocated in the basement for the maintenance of devices and equipment
– Reception Hall

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  • عيادة طب وجراحة الفم والأسنان

Outpatient clinic complex:

(Opened in 2008) this complex includes:

Main hall:  which contains a number of (11) chairs of the German Cafu type
– Children’s section: there are 4 chairs.
– Surgical department: there are 7 chairs.

The department head’s room contains an Antos A6 chair.
Digital Panorama photography room, as well as dental photography.

The new hall, which was developed in 2010, which consists of a clinic Hall, a nursing room and another for sterilization.

This lounge is designed to receive (13) Chairs B

Seminars, Courses and Workshops:

Global health album events
For the awareness campaign of the students at the African Community School because of students and faculty members of the Faculty of Dentistry at Sebha University launched an awareness campaign, detection and dental treatment for students of the African Community School in the city, coinciding with the World Oral and Dental Health Day, which was celebrated for the first time at the Faculty of Dentistry in Sebha.

Dental cleaning awareness campaign in Sebha schools

A volunteer campaign was launched in Sebha to raise awareness of the importance of brushing teeth for children in schools under the slogan “my teeth are diamonds”, in which students of the Faculty of Dentistry at Sebha University and a number of dental clinics in the city participated.
More than forty volunteers from the students of the Faculty of Dentistry were distributed to the city’s 37 schools and organized awareness lectures for basic education students on scientific methods of cleaning and protecting teeth.