Sebha University ranking in Webometrics

Sebha University ranking in Webometrics

Sebha University ranking in Webometrics

International university rankings are crucial for determining a university’s reputation, educational quality, and research standards. The Webometrics ranking, published by the Higher Council for Scientific Research in Spain, is a significant global ranking system that assesses over 30,000 universities worldwide. This ranking is determined based on various criteria, such as the size of the university’s website, the number of scientific files, the university’s scientific production on Google Scholar, as well as links and visibility (i.e., links from other sites that direct visitors to the university’s websites).
The most recent ranking was released in July 2024. Benghazi University ranked first, Tripoli University second and Sebha University third among Libyan universities. Sebha University showed significant improvement, moving up from sixth place in the previous ranking. For further details about the local ranking, you can visit the classification website using the link provided:
Sebha University is ranked 89th out of 704 universities in North Africa and 4231st internationally out of 31657 universities. For more information on the classification of North African universities, please visit the Classification website through the following link: