The Bidding Committee

The Bidding Committee

It was formed according to the decision of the Council of Ministers No. (492) of the year 2013, which regulates the work of the Bidding Committees and includes provisions regarding them.

Its responsibilities include:

The Bidding Committee is responsible for conducting public bids, limited bids, practices, public auctions, direct assignments, examining tenders, and taking necessary actions for their evaluation. This applies to contracts entered by the entities and administrative units specified in the referred Administrative Contracts Regulations and other contracts.

The formation of the committee

The Prime Minister and the ministers are responsible for issuing decisions regarding the appointment of committees for tenders, as follows:

    1. The Prime Minister is responsible for appointing bidding committees within organizations affiliated with the Council of Ministers.
  • The relevant minister has the authority to appoint groups of bidding committees within ministries and their affiliated entities.
  • Decisions made by the Council of Ministers are responsible for the appointment of bidding committees for development projects funded by public resources or the Ministry of Finance, along with their responsibilities.

Ministries, other public administrative units, and other entities that form bidding committees propose the appointment of the chairman and members of the bidding committee according to the conditions stipulated in this decision.

It is required that both the chairman and members of the bidding committees possess commitment, objectivity, good reputation, and behavior, and meet the appointment criteria specified in the prevailing legislation.

The degree of the chairman of the bidding committees must not be less than the tenth grade unless they are delegated to one of the supervisory positions in the administrative unit. Furthermore, the degrees of other committee members must not be lower than the ninth grade. In all cases, their experience in administrative, financial, or technical positions should not be less than five years.

The number of bidding committee members must not be less than five, including the chairman, and the composition of these committees should include the following elements:

  • A chairman and a vice-chairman with expertise in administration and
  • A member who possesses ample experience in the field of executing and overseeing public works contracts.
  • One member must be a legal expert with sufficient experience in
    administrative contracts.
  • A financial member with experience in accounting, stores, contracts,
    insurance, and financial studies.
  • The committee should have a secretary chosen by its chairman.

The decision to form the committee determines whether its chairman or members will carry out their duties on a full-time basis or in addition to their original duties.

It is permissible for a former public servant to become a member of the bidding committee upon request or upon reaching the legal age, taking into account the provisions of the Social Security Law and the regulations issued in accordance with it.

You can contact the committee through:

Phone: 00218712629201
