Faculty Affairs Committee

Faculty Affairs Committee

By a decision of the University Council, a committee for faculty affairs is formed as follows:

  • One of the faculty members of the University with the degree of Professor whenever possible as the chairman.
  • A faculty member for each faculty, with experience and competence not less than the degree of assistant professor, selected by the faculty committee as a member.
  • An employee of the Office of legal affairs of the university as a member.
  • Director of the Department of faculty members Affairs at the university as a scheduled member.
  • This committee works under the supervision of the University, and undersecretary for Scientific Affairs.

The committee is concerned with the following:

  • Verification of the fulfillment of the conditions of appointment, promotion, transfer, assignment and secondment related to faculty members and all their other functional matters.
  • Reviewing the reports of the evaluation committees for the promotion; to draw their conclusions and recommend them to the University Council.
  • Studying the scientific reports of the cooperating faculty members by the relevant scientific departments of the faculties.
  • The work assigned to it within the scope of its competence by the University Council.

Regular Meetings:

The concerned committee meets at least once a month, during the university year at the invitation of its chairman, and its meetings are valid only in the presence of two-thirds of the members, including the chairman, and the recommendations of the committee are issued by a majority of the number of attendees, and upon equality, the side of the president is likely, and the minutes of its meetings are signed by the chairman and the rapporteur, and those present provided that the recommendations of the committee and its minutes are presented to the university administration for approval .

Contact the committee:

E-mail address: comm.staff@sebhau.edu.ly

Phone: 0712629201