The Fifth International Scientific Conference on the Reality of Crime in Libyan Society

(Under the slogan “Towards a Safe and Crime-Free Society”)

February 22, 2022. Sebha, Libya



The issue of crime is one of the most serious and complex challenges facing societies, and it is the most dangerous and intricate ever. It represents a real threat to the foundations of civilized life, and poses a great danger to the stability and security of individuals and communities.

The proliferation of crime has become a barrier to progress and development, leading to the adoption of effective strategies to combat this phenomenon. Despite the efforts made by security personnel and the preventive measures taken by relevant authorities to ensure the safety of citizens, their assets, and properties, the daily news and social media platforms are filled with reports of murders and robberies, serving as a grim witness and evidence of the deteriorating reality that threatens societal peace and turns communities into unsafe areas where individuals cannot feel secure about themselves, their possessions, and their well-being. This necessitates the urgent need to find solutions to combat this phenomenon and reduce its prevalence.

Registration Requirements:

  • The research should be related to one of the conference’s themes and serve its objectives.
  • The researcher must adhere to the standards and guidelines of scientific research.
  • The submitted research should not have been previously published or presented at a conference or event.
  • The research should not exceed 20 pages, including references, and should be submitted in a Word file format.
  • The research will be reviewed by referees and accepted according to publication criteria. Accepted research will be published in the Sebha University Journal and on the “Eresmas Plus” website, which oversees the management of projects for the development of higher education institutions in Libya.


For more information, please visit the conference’s website link here